How to start a new topic

A post was split to a new topic: Home Loan With Revolut

Hello @SG.Mandal :wave: ,
thank you for your availability.


You are welcome @Martinopapesso. Keep exploring our community. We are having a quiz. If you wish you can join us here. We have a new initiative as well regarding Revolut Business section. You can check it out here. :r:

SG | Community Team

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Hi I really need help but am new to using this and cant work out how to post a question. Can you help please? Thanks


Hi @hemum and welcome
Just post your content here and someone with the tools will move it to the appropriate place for you. Alternatively, look for a topic which matches your subject matter and post it there. Use the Search Icon to the left of your user icon on the subject bar.
Not every post requires a new topic creating for it.


Hey @hemum :wave:,

We are excited to have you in our community. :star_struck: I hope Graham’s reply already clarified your concern.

Thank you for the help @Graham_Lees. :star:

SG | Community Team


Thank you very much.


A post was split to a new topic: Problem In Transferring The Money From Paypal To Revolut

You are welcome @hemum. Keep exploring our community. :hugs:

SG | Community Team

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Same for me :upside_down_face: tbh I joined this forum because I want to resolve my issue and ask other people about it, I don’t see why is it such a problem to let people ask their questions

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Hello @suljo25 :wave: ,

I understand your concern regarding the new post creation. :slightly_smiling_face: Kindly check my reply here where I have described how to post a new topic. Hope that helps. :pray:

SG | Community Team

I just created the account and still learning how to manage it and create topics


Hello everyone :wave:,

Since we are trying to revamp our community, we have launched a feedback form regarding that. You can also share your feedback here: Community User Experience Feedback :point_left:

@Add, Welcome to our community. If you face any problem, please let me know and I will help you further. :r:

SG | Community Team

H @Add and welcome
You may not actually need to create a new topic for each post. The community has been running for some years now and there is a wealth of content already placed on the site.
Use the Search icon (spyglass) just to the left of the 3 line hamburger menu on the title bar and type in some brief content of what what your search is about to obtain a list of likely hits and select one from there.
In time, your account will be upgraded to allow you access to the New Topic button but for now, that should suffice.
If your new post is misplaced, don’t worry. Someone with the correct admin tools will move it to the right place for you or create a new topic if required.
We really are a friendly lot in here :wink:

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FYI, I’m a member for 4 years now and still have no way to create a new topic.

I’ll mention it on that survey they are running these days.

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Welcome back to our community @xerces8 :wave:. I’m really sorry that you feel this way. Please understand we don’t have any intention to make you feel this way. :frowning_face:

Honestly, you can create a topic if you reach to a certain trust level which depends entirely on your engagement level. Basically, the more you engage, the higher you will go on your trust level. :hugs:

It doesnot depend on how many years you are here with us. If you engage with us on a daily basis, it might possible that you get the option to create a new topic within next 15 days. Hope it clarifies your concern. :pray:

For more details, you can read our article here. :point_left:

SG | Community Team

We have been thru this.
I satisfy all the listed requirements, yet, can not open new topics.

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I am sorry to hear about this @xerces8. :frowning_face: May I have the message please so that I can help you to create the topic? :thinking:

SG | Community Team

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Currently I have no need to start a topic.
I’m just saying that it is a surprising problem that I almost never encountered on any other forum.

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I have also searched for some topics here and found something. However, the “ideas” are sometimes closed without comment. So I could not even cast my vote for it anymore. For example, the topic Paysafecash and the deposit of cash (one of the most important features I’d like to see).

And always referring to old post prevents the introduction of new ideas and points of view. This makes such a community really fall asleep.

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