Visa instead of Mastercard

Hi Revolut team, do you know when choosing between Mastercard and Visa is going to be possible? Some friends are alternatively getting Visa, some other Mastercards depending on the time when they sign up and request the card…

Thanks in advance!


I like visa better …

The new VISA seems to be a real debit.

Interesting, but still no country-specific BIN for the Visa, right?

Interestingly my Revolut Visa cards with BIN 435044 are coming back as France (Euro)

I’m in Ireland

My new physical Visa that has “Debit” printed on it works with the Danish iTunes Store. So I guess the new ones are localized.

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Is there also a small PREPAID print under the Debit printing like seen on this forum?

What kind of card is that, I wasn’t aware that Revolut had Visa cards that were not the regular blue/purple ones - this one looks more like a premium one.

I think it is a premium one. Another user here posted it here a while ago. It depends on the country what kind of card you can order - there are even Metal VISA cards available in some countries:

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Yes, my Visa Debit has “Prepaid” printed below. The finish looks incredibly professional :roll_eyes:. I asked support about it, but without going into further detail, let me instead refer you to this thread:

It’s mine card :slight_smile:
@HenRex - is your card standard or premium?

It is a Premium card.

My neighbour just ordered a new visa, standard one. First 8 digits are the same as my premium debit with prepaid printing. Interesting… maybe :r: is switching to a debit cards after making cooperation with visa last year.

Mine doesn’t have prepaid written on it but I can assure you it’s recognised as one everywhere

So to answer your question seems to be a printing error - Revolut are sticking with prepaid

I understand your point of view, but I still hope that it could be real debit cards, printing from POS:

With my old visa it was “Revolut Prepaid”, “Revolut 05” or “visa prepaid”

what’s your BIN?

Mine was 46595482 and it was prepaid according to PayPal

It is 43504470, and PayPal said that it is recognised as debit, instead of previous one

Maybe it’s A/B testing then, or PayPal has an incorrect BIN entry for 46595482

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Mine is 459644 and its a real debit!

I wonder if this also applies to virtual cards, anyone tried?