We want your view on our card designs

Would be interesting to see what would have happened with my card, that is disabled for contactless

I’d have just tapped the phone :’)


@Recchan, Please share your experience with us as well. :blush:

SG | Community Team

Since we see a lot of piracy with card while traveling it might be nice to make cards with in app ccv in my opinion. Would avoid to have to renew card each time you use it in a “high risk” country. Also do you know when new branding will be on cards ? I guess Revolut need to finish current cards


Stay tuned for the updates @Bogz. :hugs:

SG | Community Team


Design is ready cool and glad to be part of revolut community


Thank you for sharing your feedback with us @themuhammadsami. :hugs:

SG | Community Team

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Vertical design will be nice!

I am always trying to insert the card the wrong way into ATM machines etc.

The chip is on the “wrong” side to my hard-wired brain. Perhaps a nice big arrow would help remind me of what I should be doing?


Huge +1 to this. My Revolut card is the only one that has the chip on the right when the text is upright, vs. five that have it on the left. Why?

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Design. Blame Apple. They started the trend.


What is maybe missing in this discussion is Functionality. The chip out of the card seen under number 2 for visually impaired is kind of a must have in the design imho.

Offtopic: My Black and Gold metal cards are still in perfect shape after 4 years of use.


Should be made of bamboo, no need for plastic anymore.

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@Fwelly Hello, Welcome to the community. :heart_eyes:

Thank you for the feedback. We will look into this for you. :star2:

Veda | Community team

Don’t blame Apple, their card was mostly design to be used on the MagStripe since USA still uses it like it’s 1984, to keep it up side up.

Blame revolut for copying that just to be like apple without a use case reason.


I saw a card like that, German if I remember correctly, I’m not sure if was durable like a plastic card, but metal is easier to recycle.


Many card manufacturing companies now offer wood veneers. Metal cards aren’t really good for recycling. In terms of recycling, payment cards are considered electronics. For proper recycling, one would have to peel the layers apart, recycle the chip and the antenna, and then recycle the metal and the plastic parts of metal cards separately.

Metal and wood cards are laminated. A full metal card would block the RF antenna. Applle’s card works because it is not a contactless card. Apple wants you to use Apple Pay exclusively for contactless, the card is only for mag stripe and chip + PIN payments.

Biodegradable plastic also doesn’t make much sense, you’re not supposed to dump the electronic bits into the wild. Metal cards with an expiration date most likely do not have a smaller carbon footprint than cards made from recycled plastic. The energy that goes into manufacturing the metal outweighs this. Wood cards are more a marketing thing, a conversation starter, than a contribution to waste reduction. They’re fun, but delicate, less durable.


I am not blaming anyone :slight_smile:, I pointed out that Apple made this design popular.

I don’t see the difference here. Apple’s card needs to be positioned correctly for chip + PIN payments. Revolut’s cards need to be positioned correctly for chip + PIN payments. As a card holder, you need to figure out where the chip goes.

In the US, the chip of the Apple Card is in an equally unusual position compared to all the other traditional cards you might have in your wallet.


The design ideia on the Apple Card is to use only where contactless/Apple Pay isn’t accepted.

If doesn’t accept contactless probably won’t accept chip transaction too, people in the USA uses a lot of the MagStripe instead fonte chip, so the card was designed to facilitate the MagStripe use.

But I blame all the copy-cats who copy the bad decisions apple does, like removal of headphone jack and charger of the phone box.

Ok I haven’t used the box charger since my iPhone 6s days, but is because I already had a better charger with 4 USB ports so I can charge everything at the same time using only one outlet.


We’re not talking about the removal of a headphone jack which takes a feature away.

We’re talking about a card design that is rotated by 180°. Instead of turning it 90° to the right, users need to turn it 90° to the left when putting it into the reader. If you’re really struggling with this, just put the card upside down in your wallet. Easy fix.

This design decision does not reduce the features of the card.


See. Why add billions of unused chargers to mountains of electronic waste. It’s also a legal requirement in parts of the world to offer the phone without it.