Problème numéro de téléphone

Hi, im trying to log in to my revolut account once i receive error system? please could you check this issue please? thanks

Hi, i have also a probleme here i cant log in to my account with my number phone. could you please verify that thank you

Hi there, Can you send me a message too please i have the same problem.
Thank you

anon33247966 (AndreasK) is a former staff member of Revolut that isn’t active anymore in this community, that is why his account is anonymised (“anon”).

This is a user community, there is no Revolut support here.

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Hy . I have same problem , i have new phone number same phone and i cant login how can i change the phone number or how can i login ? Thk

I can’t log to my app as my number isn’t recognized.
Can you help me please?

Please check my post two posts above yours.

Can you tell me how to contact you in PM?

You can’t!

anon33247966 (AndreasK) is a former staff member of Revolut that isn’t active anymore in this community, that is why his account is anonymised (“anon”).

Please check my post just above yours!

Thank you for answering. Then I don’t know how to reach someone to update my good phone number to my application log in.
How can I do?
Here is the issue details:

The application does no more recognize my phone number and then I can’t log in to my account on the app.
It is possible that as I was on holidays abroad end of December, I changed my number with a temporary number from the country I was at that time, and I forgot to put back my permanent phone number.
The thing is that I throw away the SIM card from abroad since then. And I can’t provide it as last number used.
So I am stuck, the system doesn’t recognize no more my number (which is the same I used when I created my account 4 years ago)
It is really a problem for me, as I need to check my account everyday.
There’s no way to reach a live agent without any phone number registered and I don’t know what to do to fix this problem.
Thank you for your help

Please check the linked topic in my post. Thank you.


J’ai le même problème, je souhaiterai supprimer un compte inactif sur lequel j’ai un ancien numéro de téléphone.

Pouvez-vous m’aider ?

Please check my post just above yours.

Questo succede anche collegandosi all’App da PC ?


J’ai presque le même soucis j’essaye de récupèrer mon mot de passe, et j’ai un message qui me dit que “le numéro de téléphone n’est pas associé a un compte actif”


Hi!) I can’t register an account. The app says my last name and date of birth are already in use in the app. I checked my mail and it turns out that once I tried to open a business account. But I can’t log into it, because there is an old phone number. How can I re-register?