Premium: Airport Lounges

Probably lounge overload. 3m people able to purchase this? Way too much for lounges to handle.

On top of this it detracts from the Premium and Metal tier.

Why are airports so rubbish anyway that people need a lounge to get away from it.

I bought a ticket from London to USA recently cost GBP 420. The airline (KLM) provided a breakdown of that 420 and they only received GBP 75 from what I paid. The remainder was eaten up by UK airport tax (78) and unbelievable number of this fee and that fee for the airports. Then they give you a plastic chair to sit on after you are robbed blind for an 8 quid sandwich in the airport cafeterias.

Don’t enjoy our airport? Simple pay another 25 to escape into a reasonably sane lounge.



Well you get cashback with Metal and a nice card. 6 months in and cashback has offset my annual fee and i’ve made a profit in the process. Now I get one free lounge access as well. Go Revolut, it all works splendidly for me !

The point is everybody is different and a few comments on the forum will/may not be reflective of the 1,000’s of metal customers out there. Revolut have the statistics and will crunch the numbers from a business operation perspective. Time will tell, although I have a feeling Revolut will keep on growing while tuning along the way.


Haha, very true. :rofl:

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I wouldn’t say you’ve made a profit, you’ve spent a bunch to offset that metal fee. You don’t even get any extended warranty/insurance from it.

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As with @Sal, I have now hit the point where I earned enough from cash back to pay for the yearly fee. However, I wouldn’t say I earn money by having a Metal card that gives cash back, but I spend less/save more.

When it comes to extended warranty or insurrance, non of my Norwegian credit card gave me that benefit anyway, so I am not losing out on anything there.


They also can buy an entry direct at the lounge :wink:

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Glad to hear it’s a good fit for you. Revolt is 0.1% cashback in Europe, so that would suggest 12K annual spend. I use Revolut as my travel card, not my main card until they have full credit card status offering all the protection & perks my current American Express does…

Happy to wait and see until December when my renewal comes up.

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The card is used as an alternative to Transferwise where the business selling goods, services, investments etc accepts card payments as an alternative to bank transfer, at no additional cost to myself.

Since ‘Brexit’ I have transferred a significant portion of my investments outside of the UK and Revolut is perfect for this.

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More like 120K in Europe. 12K outside Europe.

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Right you are: so cashback is basically useless in Europe. When I spend on Revolut in US it’s ok basically some change as beer money…


I wouldn’t call it useless. It’s worth something, even if it only reduces your annual subscription fee by, let’s say, 10 EUR.

It’s an incentive to use the card on a daily basis.


Or I could put the spending through on my Tandem credit card, get 0.5% back and not pay a penny.

Whatever Tandem pays as cashback doesn’t concern the objective benefit of any other product.


You’ve clearly never heard of the word ‘competition’. It states the business offering the best product for the consumer gets the customers. In other words if I’m looking for cashback I go for American Express or Tandem.

For real though, 0.1% is nothing although I appreciate what you mean. It’s an incentive to use it compared to most cards, but eh. Its still not really enough visually for me to look and go “wow that’s worth it”. Even with the other benefits included, it makes the offering look more tacky.


For me even the 1% is nothing as I’m getting charged by revolut to top up my account (1.67%) because I’m getting paid in Mexican or Filipino banks :)))

So… not a good deal.

Clearly you have already thought about it, but is it not possible to transfer electronically (SWIFT) rather than by card ?

Haven’t even tried. I guess it’s more expensive overall. I know the Pinoy bank charge a lot. With the Mexican one might be a workaround when revolut will release US accounts.

Oh wait. TW. In any way. Isn’t easy/ cheap.


We really do need some form of worldwide consistency, standardisation! It’s the little guy that gets penalised, money frozen due to AML regs etc ! We need ‘Revolution’ !

Try to use