Debit card issued by Revolut

@vagstef is that the “Black” metal color? Are you based in the EU?

BTW, if you have a Visa Infinite card you can get nice discounts with Hertz in Europe, plus automatic Hertz Five Star status which gives you free upgrades, too.


Yeah, this is the black, it was Mastercard few weeks ago but now its Visa. I live in Greece

Always check the website of the rental company. Debit cards are widely accepted for rental cars in Europe, but usually not for all car categories. The information on a rental company’s website is usually very specific about this. And double check if you’re on a company’s regional website, a French rental is less likely to accept debit than a UK or German branch. Again, the informations provided about this on a car rental‘s website is usually really good, at least with the major brands.

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Outside Europe it is a different story (my experience in North Africa), they want a traditional card which was kind of an issue as I had a credit card(from Bunq but had enough money for the deposit) and Amex metal (which is not embossed). I ended up using the creditcard of a friend to get the car (well he got the car :rofl:).

For Revolut it could be interesting to offer “credit” cards with a very small limit, but this will come with a risk as people may not pay that back and what about credit checks etc.

Revolut is issuing credit cards already in Lithuania for a small number of customers through their banking license. I expect them to roll out this product in the next years in more markets.

Secured credit would be a simple way to limit their risk. I am not aware of an issuer in Europe offering secured credit. One could call the Bunq “credit” cards secured credit, since every payment is checked in realtime against a balance and all transactions are put aside –secured – before they’re actually debited at the end of the month.


Yeah, my one came on friday! Its metal, Black, MasterCard logo plated… Just GORGEOUS!!!

Actually, the reason they issue Infinite cards (or, for those of us in Australia, Platinum cards) is because the interchange (what the merchants bank pays the card issuer, Revolut) is significantly higher. Unrelated note, our BIN is 4739 46 issued by Revolut Ltd, type Debit, subtype Prepaid Platinum.

So debit also doesn’t mean not prepaid.

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Just ordered a new Metal USA card. Still prepaid, still MasterCard. All of the US cards seem to be MasterCard and prepaid. I would personally prefer a Visa debit rather than the MasterCard prepaid, but I’ll be surprised if they change it anytime soon here. The US is lagging far behind Revolut elsewhere in the world.

I had Visa virtual debit card and it was at least for a year, but some time ago I realized it’s Mastercard now! No card number was changed…WTF?

That’s impossible. A Visa can’t have the same card number as a Mastercard. Either the number changed or the card was displayed incorrectly in the app.

What’s also possible is that you are affected by a card replacement that happened sometimes last year and you missed the mail where Revolut explained what’s going to happen.

This card was a replacement of the old one, and that process is changing card number. The only explanation probably could be that Revolut wrongly showed me the card vendor, the Visa instead of Master. Or we don’t know something.

If the number changed, it’s possible that they replaced Visa with Mastercard. They switch between them all the time.

I’ve used Revolut on planes several times, I assume the answer is yes!

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Support told me there is now offline without limit (which I highly doubt). But the transaction will appear later in the app as said here What is a delayed transaction? | Revolut Help Centre | Revolut FR

Iv’ve heard that Easyjet just recently (2 weeks ago) rejected Revolut cards on a flight. I wouldn’t rely on Revolut just yet for use cases like this.


is now revolut card debit or still prepaid debit card ?

I assume debit. They replaced all my prepaid debit with debit one.


This summer I accidentally left my phone and wallet at home and had to pay with my watch (no internet connection) and the offline payment worked. This happened months ago though. Can someone confirm if this feature is still active?

As long as the merchant supports Apple/Google Pay, it should still work.

Support told me there was now offline feature but I have a doubt because they say there is no limit (which does not make sense).