Which Are The Requirements To Apply For A Business Account?

In this post, we will talk about the basic requirements that a company must have to request a Revolut Business account.

We will focus on several aspects, such as the type of company, the country in which it is incorporated or other essential characteristics to get you onboarded!

1- Your business will need to be based in one of the following countries:

:earth_africa: Aland Islands, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Guernsey, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mayotte, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.

2- We are accepting applications from the following company types:

:white_check_mark: Private Limited Company

:white_check_mark: Public Limited Company

:white_check_mark: Limited Liability Partnership

:white_check_mark: Limited Partnership

:white_check_mark: Partnership

Unfortunately, we are currently not available for: Public sector, Charity, Private foundation or trust, Cooperatives.

3- When it comes to documents, you will need to have the registration documents of the company, and its structure of directors and shareholders. But we have covered all this info in our latest article here (Documents Required During The Business Applications 📝).

4- In most of the cases, a beneficial owner (a director or shareholder), will be required to reside in the country where the company is registered.
If you are not a beneficial owner, and would like to formalize the application for the company where you work, you will need to provide a Power of Attorney, or you will need to send an invitation to one of the beneficial owners during the process to upload their ID and selfie.

If after all the previous tips, your business account is not accepted, in our frequently asked questions article here, you can find all those types of business that can’t be onboard at the moment, either due to their location, type of business or lack of physical presence.

:person_raising_hand:If you have any questions about the basic account opening requirements or we can clarify any points for you, please leave us a comment below :arrow_heading_down::speech_balloon:

Pere | Community Business Team


If you gain money by trading with a Broker, should you open a business account? Or is ok if the income just goes to a personal account, in this case there isn’t a company registration whatsoever.


It depends on who’s money you’re investing. If it’s personal money: personal account. If it’s company money: business account.


My company is UK registered, I am the beneficial owner.
My main residence is in Malta.
Can I open a Revolut business account?


Hello @Vantage546 ,

In this case, the applicant will need to reside within the UK, EEA or Switzerland and the company will need to have at least one benefitial owner/director residing in these areas.

If you live in Malta (EEA) you can apply for a Revolut Business account for a company based in the UK. Please note that the applicant and the benefitial owner/ director can be the same person.

Please let us know if something is not clear.

Pere | Community Business Team


Hello everyone :wave: ,

Since we are trying to revamp our community, we have launched a feedback form regarding that. You can also share your feedback here: Community User Experience Feedback :point_left:

SG | Community Team

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Hi, I’m looking for a digital bank for my NGO. Are you planning on opening up for NGOs in Denmark? Many smaller NGOs are fighting with the big traditional bank and need alternatives.


Hello Jacob,

We are always trying to expand our services for new types of businesses. If we start supporting NGOs soon, we will make sure to update this article and post it around our FAQs website here.

Please, do not hesitate to raise any further questions.

Pere | Community Team

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oh i wanted to open an account for a parents asociation in madrid… i guess that doesnt fall under any of the approved options what a shame


Hi, I just tried to open a business Account for my LLC in the US. The put me on a Waitlist?
Any thoughts?


Hello @Daniel67 ,

Thank you for showing your interest in our Revolut Business services. We are currently upgrading our US operations, which leads us to move all direct registrations and current applications to a waiting list. Please feel free to fill out the following form (Business Contact Sales | Revolut US). Our sales team will contact you as soon as we are able to resume onboarding.

Thank you for your patience,
Pere | Community Team


Hello @LadyFlopo,

You can check all the supported and not supported business types above or in our Spanish FAQ website here. Please do not hesitate to let us know if any information is not clear.

Thank you in advance,
Pere | Community Team


In my fuzzy knowledge, the landing page for Revolut Business appeared on Revolut Singapore since 2 years ago. There’s been no meaningful updates since then. Not sure when, if ever, it’ll be launched.


@richard.lee, May I just confirm have you created the business account for any other country? :thinking:

SG | Community Team

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I confirm. Never had.


I am sorry @richard.lee but I could not understand your issue here. :cry: Would you mind to explain that please? It would help me to guide you properly. :pray:

SG | Community Team

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I noticed that in the redesigned web page of Revolut Singapore, Revolut Business was removed. I guess it won’t be launched in Singapore. I hope Revolut could consider launching Revolut Business in Singapore.


@richard.lee, We’ll expand soon. Stay tuned. :earth_americas:

SG | Community Team

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