when topping up my revolut account with a credit card, will this be considered a purchase by my credit card bank?

When topping up my revolut account with my credit card, will this be considered a purchase by my credit card bank? I have a credit card with 0% interest for several months just on purchases. Will revolut top up included in this offer by my credit card bank? Thanks

Any light on this? Anyone knows?

Normally YES, it should count as purchase. But your local bank might treat it differently. Just try one time and you will see.

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Depends on the bank I’m afraid. One of my cards treats the top up as a normal transaction. Another one as a cash advance.

I called Halifax and told me they are taking it like a withdrawal from a ATM, which means I pay interest on it from the moment I do the transaction, whereas a purchase you have 2 months to pay it before you pay interest on it.
Which banks do you have experience with which takes it as a purchase on a credit card?

if you search the forum you will find this has been discussed several times

Both Nationwide and HSBC credit cards treat Revolut top ups as a normal transaction, not a cash advance. So far.

I’ve found that most credit cards charge as a cash withdrawal, Except on one card.
Barclaycard charged me ÂŁ10.00 on a ÂŁ500.00 Revolut Top Up.

I top up from both Capital One and Amazon (Newday) without fees, both show as purchases and not cash advances

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“Purchases”, so these would even qualify for cash back or reward points?

In my case it’s shown as cash advance (Cornercard Switzerland).

As neither of my credit cards offer cash back or reward points I am unable to answer your question, sorry.
I reiterate though that both show my top-ups as purchases and therefor do not attract cash advance fees so I must assume that it depends on the credit card supplier to decide how to handle top-ups

Which card was this?

Hi, can we have an update on this matter of all UK credit cards which are able to top up revolut as a purchase rather than a cash advanced? Thank you!