Verify my account

Hi there i downloaded the revolut application today and sent all the required informations but still my account verification is pending.How long does this procedure last ? Thank you in advance.


It depends on many things- from a few minutes until 2 weeks (as far as I’ve read n this forum)

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I’ve been trying for over two weeks and have no response from support at all. I’m in the verge of giving up!


Thanks for the information guys i also tried this site to let other people know how good revolut is :scream:


Thanks for your feedback. However I would like to clarify that the issue here is that you’ve sent photos of someone else passport and not yours, which as understand it will take a bit longer to sort this out for you. I’ve replied to your direct message too.


All good here , thanx for the support :sunglasses:

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Hi Andreas, hopefully you can shed some light on what’s happening… it’s now been 6 days since I sent all the documentation to online support, no reply as of yet. I sent a review to trust pilot and got an immediate response from Rev feedback asking me to email my documents to them.
All this completed on Saturday, I’m hoping (wishing, preying, looking for a 4 leaf clover) that this issues will be resolved soon as I have my wages pending since last Wednesday and have bills to pay.
I hope and trust that you may be able to offer some help?
Thanks in advance

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Hi there. Are you able to reach me via direct message?

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Hi Andreas

I’m guessing this small?

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This is direct message that should have first time!!

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Hi There, I’m having the same problem. I have register with Revoult and provided all the relevant documentation but I haven’t heard anything back! Feeling like I want to give up!

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I’ve sent you a direct message.

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Hi David. Thank you for your patience. I’ve escalated this issue to our compliance team as they will be better suited to assist you with this matter. Please note a member of our compliance team will contact you via in-app chat shortly.

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I’d love to create my own post but this web interface is… uncooperative.

I’ve had an account for a while now and had to provide id when opening it, as expected. I have to do the same on the accounts i opened in regular banks as well (i prefer non-physical ones). That was the only time i had to provide id for such banks.

However, for the second time in about a month, i’ve received and email from Revolut (apparently legit), asking me to resubmit my ID 'cos legislation whatever and please click this link.

While it does seem legit, i must wonder:

  • Why do i need to submit my id AGAIN?
  • Why didn’t i get ANY notification through the app?

Also, the second email even suggested Revolut would block my account - effectively banning me from using MY OWN money - if i didn’t comply. So i transferred all my money to a SAFE and USABLE account on another (online) bank that won’t have the nerve to do so. Considering all the complaints about how SLOW Revolut is when unblocking accounts… it’s safest. I’ll just default back to only transferring money to my Revolut account in small amounts when i’m travelling and always using a regular bank’s card as a fallback.

While i tolerate some email, i find it rather disturbing Revolut would indeed ask for documentation through email instead of using the app (which, by the way, can’t be moved to external storage on android so makes it hard to upgrade on devices with limited capacity - but who cares, right?).

I’d like to ask them directly with a new thread instead of hijacking this one but, alas, this forum software is rather limited. Of course… this will have to pass censorship first.

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Hello. I’m trying to verify my Revolut card for two weeks. I’m a refugee and I’m from Greece. I’ve got the permit to live here, in the paper form. When I scan and send the file, it does not accept and I need that validity really immediately. I demand help, please don’t oversee me.


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What do you mean? You just replied to a post from January 2018.

Honestly, I mean well when I am telling you that this community isn’t a support channel anymore. Check when Andreas responded the last time (August 2019). Revolut staff sometimes responds here, but they aren’t providing support this way anymore.

I understand that you’re upset about how they are handling the case, but from other posts it seems getting in contact with them isn’t really the problem. The problem is that you’re not happy with their response.


I wonder why. Because they don’t provide a phone number so that I can speak to an individual. They don’t respond to in-app chat. And they keep blocking me on Twitter. The only response I get from them formal complain team. And btw are you Revolut lawyer by any chance ? It’s not that I am not happy with there response but rather the lack of any response after being locked since 13/03/2020. It feels like I am being ignored.

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Can you help me? I can’t access support from app I’ve changed my phone? Now I can’t acres app because I don’t remember access code ( never did set up any…) and when I try to reset passcode have blank screen ( all chats) I’m really raging how bank can have poor bug in app like that impossible!!

Can I get help with resetting password I even managed once’s to reach screen with sending picture of ID AND PHOTO, but next screen was bugged “ all chats” disaster.

Hi guys!
I submitted my passport and student ID to verify and a clear selfie but it’s not verifying my identity. I’ve already tried to send money to someone and it’s not letting me send it. Can you guys help? I’m really stuck and need help

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Hi, i opened account revoult and pay 16.99 and send him my id to verify my account. I try to verify my account 6 times and every time i have message declined. Now i don’t have access to my account.I speak with support team and he writed you need wait. Can anybody explain to me how long it’s take if not can i get refund my money 16.99