Unique EUR IBAN and BIC/SWIFT Numbers.

I will upload memes untill they give one to all of us…

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Please don’t do that as it creates more noise than signal :slight_smile:

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Naah…have you got the new IBAN?

as I promised you :joy:

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Hey @erevos!

As I can see the GB IBAN for EUR transfers is activated for you. We truly hope that you will now start using our services not only our community page :wink:


Praise the lord @anon33247966 for such a blessing…I have paid for my card so I am using your services any how in the manner I can cope with.Besides I am not the one who has different card cost policy for my users but you.As lately came up that your card costs 2€ for Poland instead of 6€ in the rest of Eurozone.Three times more as a matter of fact.Thank you for your personal concern my fellow agent,I hope you can indulged such a service to every user of yours.

@anon33247966 : does it mean that, for entering in the next wagon of allocated GB IBAN, we have to do as much noise as erevos did :slight_smile:?


You realize the cost is actually a “delivery fee”, and apart from other reasons the cards are being send out from Poland. A national priority letter Revolut uses costs <0.25 EUR, so there is no need to be so bitter about the fact that it’s a bit cheaper to have the card delivered within Poland :slight_smile:

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now you are following my friend :wink:

no my friend cost is not delivery fee;for the first card yes but for the rest is cost of card + the delivery fee as you said.Here in Greece a domestic post with a decent prepaid envelope costs 0.8€;so?

lucky erevos, you were wrong I still have the LT IBAN :grinning::wink:

Of course not! @erevos GB IBAN has been automatically activated, as mentioned we’re gradually rolling out, not because of 100 memes he posted :wink: Kidding @erevos !


make a poll and if you want I will continue posting memes untill everyone get theirs…because I keep receiving negative feedback about my post;so decide what it gonna be!

you don’t have to change your post in order to add an emoticon instead of exclamation mark @anon33247966 .I understand our Mediterranean tamprerament;I am not offended;just be yourself.

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LT IBAN was activated for everyone at once and GB IBAN “gradually” !?!?!?

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Got my GB IBAN just now. Thanks Revolut team! :hugs:


Me too! I just got it :star_struck:


And … So am I ! GB euro IBAN instead of the LT one.

Thanks a lot !


I just checked it again and there is a new GB IBAN. Thank you Revolut. :hugs::star_struck:


@anon33247966 I have a question whether GB IBAN completely replaces LT IBAN or whether it will still be possible to use the LT IBAN?