Top up in other currencies (CHF, PLN, CZK, CAD, ...)

No new statements have been made since that interview :grin: We just have to wait, it will surely become available!


As @c0stin said, it’s a ongoing process! :r:


When we will start to recieve new Terms & Conditions, then we will make sure that something is happening! :r::wink:

I am afraid that SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) only covers payments in EUR!

Payments in CHF (PLN, GBP, USD) to UK account are, in my view, a regular international payment (SWIFT).

How can I create the PLN account? I can only see EUR, GBP and USD accounts in my wallet. Do I need to top up in PLN and then the PLN account will be opened?

You are right. Only EUR can be transferred via SEPA.

Is CZK coming anytime soon? Thank you very much.

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If you have 4.3 your PLN ‘pocket’ will be automatically created when you either top up, exchange, or get sent PLN. So you should see it as an option in all your currency pop up menus and also the exchange screen

I would also welcome CZK :slight_smile:


It would be good for Revolut (& Revolut users) to have a collecting account for PLN in Poland and CHF in Switzerland (as for example Transferwise, Paysera, and others).

Here we go! :tada:


Still waiting for Apple to release it :unamused: But I checked a friend’s on Android, and as of the latest release, no sign of extra currencies other than usual €, $ and £…

So now we have to wait for Apple Pay and then Revolut will be a great addition on my iPhone :slight_smile:


Ohhhh kkkk… got it :slight_smile:
Great tip @korolija

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What’s your thoughts on the new currency interface? Prefer the old spinner, or the new horizontal one?

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@capital Thanks for asking. I love design changes, the new swipe menu is neat as well! :sunglasses:

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Some complications with the Apple review process, we have to go round again sadly. So roughly two more days in the queue


Such a pity! :frowning:

If I top up in HUF will it open a HUF pocket?