Revolut :r: now works with Google Pay

What’s the country of your virtual Visa according to its BIN? Did you created it recently or it just started working? Because for some reason I can only create virtual Visa cards for a couple of days and people from Bulgaria claim that checking the BIN states UK. Before I could only create Mastercard (like my current one) which BIN states Bulgaria. Google Pay has no listed support for store purchases in Cyprus, nor in Bulgaria.

@cybersirius, people in my country using the method of changing their Revolut address to a Google Pay supported one claim that if they issue a virtual card with supported BIN this way but they return their address to the original one before validating the new card as a store purchase one in Google Pay, the latter refuse to accept it and they must again enter the false address in order to succeed. As if Google Pay is checking the current card holder address somehow.