Revolut App Serious Crash

I don’t use Revolut much, but just checked it today on my Samsung A10, and of course, it crashed. I couldn’t work out what I was doing wrong. I checked Play store which offered me a Revolut update, but phone still crashes when I open Revolut.
Should I disable facial recognition on the phone or on the Revolut app? Please excuse me if that’s a silly question!

I have android v9 installed on my One-PLus 3T using facial recognition for the phone but fingerprint for :r: and it works fine.

hi today 1 Nov the app crash it. When i try to reinstall after authentication and after change the password the app have only access in my personal data page. Not see my transactions or reload money crash again when i go to this page. Please help


I have the same problem and need access immediately


I have the same issue with my revolut app.

When i am introducing the finger print/password, the app crashes. I have rebooted the phone, reinstalled the app, cleared the catch, cleared the data, but it still crashes. Can anyone assist me in this matter??

I have a same issue my app is crash all the time after the last update

Revolut block my card after shopping from AliExpress. I can’t unblock my card becouse app still crashed after when I push button: check your transaction. I really need access to my money. Now I have no money for anything :confused:

same here. crashes all the time after update!

Same issue on Android 10, Mi 10 updated system and app, restarted, app crashes after the fingerprint access and with code access. I’m stuck out of my account.

Please HELP

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I can’t open the App in Samsung S9.
What is happened?

problem with app too here ,i tried everything,uninstall reinstall,reboot phone etc…still stays on the loadind moving circle.can anyone help??

The latest version of the Revolut app is crashing. I have a OnePlus 7T, Android Version 10. Oxygen 10.0.14 HD65AA and the App keeps crashing when opening the application and entering my passcode. Please fix this issue. I re-installed the App, restart the phone. but nothing happens.


Hi, I got a similar problem for apparently no reason (No update done, no phone change, no sim change, …)

So the app crash after biometric authentication or after typing my code.
I restart the phone, update the app, uninstall/reinstall the app nothing works.

I’m wondering what happened.

(Phone Redmi Note 4)

Please help me, I’m curently in Vietnam and if definitely need access to my board.


I have the same problem, no update done, no phone change. After I enter my code app crashes. Samsung s9+. Reinstalled the app, restarted my phone. No use. I have done international fund transfer to bank account 2 days back, it showed pending yesterday. Today not able to know the status or to use the app. Please help ASAP.


update revolut google play. i updated and everything started working


When I read the crash report of the app, it seems to be a bug with the month number. It says that the referred moths is marked as position 13 in an array of 12 positions. This needs to be fixed with an update.

Have the same issue on my phone that worked for the last 2 years. Is a OnePlus 6 model updated at latest Android 10 OxygenOS 10.3.6 and the latest Revolut application from Google Store. Have deleted and installed the app but not working. Have restart my phone but not working. I am using the pin login no other ways but not working.

Thanks, i haven’t seen the update. This fixed the issue.

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Thnx sooo much. Problems gone.

Thank you for this suggestion @donatas.liskus. I didn’t know I had to update the app to get it working again. Have now done so and the app opens on my phone, though for some odd reason they deleted my profile picture and I needed to make a new one. :thinking:

My suggestion for everyone is to not load too much money into your revolut accounts. Keep only a nominal amount. It seems stability and access to your own account can still be an issue and relying primarily on the app for your financial needs may get you into trouble. Customer service is also not always available even when the app functions. And when it doesn’t, that means you have no access to customer service - or your money. Scary stuff.

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