No sms received to register

My wife experiences the same problem while trying to register to Revolut. The SMS code never arrives. Reinstalling or updating the app doesn’t help. It seems the SMS outage imacts quite a lot of people. Does anybody from the Revolut team read this fourm and is willing to help? Not getting a registration SMS despite all the efforts means lost customers.

Hello, I did. Can you please follow up on my message, @anon33247966 ?

I have same problem, i won’t recieve code. Trying for few days now. Latvia

Bonjour, j’aimerais obtenir de l’aider, est-ce que c’est possible de discuter en message privé ?

@anon33247966, do you receive my messages?

@anon33247966, I have the same SMS problem. How to DM here? I do not see any “message” on your profile.

I have a minor problem … I had an account and I deleted it, when I wanted to make a new account with the same phone number, the program gives me an error.

I have the same problem. Is there any way how can i fix it?

@anon33247966 hi there! My mum is using Revolut, she is installing the app on a new device and not receiving the activation code by text :disappointed: she’s not massively tech savvy so I thought o would ask for your help on here, if you drop me a Private message I can tell you her mobile number and then your team could resolve the rest from your end?

I’d like to use Revolut. But I can’t sign up because I haven’t got your SMS. Is there any other way how to get in?
Thank you


Im having the same problem, how should I fix it?

I do not recieve the signup SMS. I am using operator Telavox (Telia network) in Sweden.
Please send me signup manually.

OK, my yesterday’s experience:
SMS from the webpage never works. So don’t use it.

You have to download the application from google play. After you do it you have to ask for SMS.
I got the sms after 3rd. attempt. So be patient and try it at least five times every day.
I thought SMS queues have been just full and request are dropped out but it doesn’t look to be true. It’s like it’s just random.

Is this company already working? None of representatives has answered these questions for week.

I have the same problem with an italian number.

Hey @anon33247966 I have tried to create an acc twice but the SMS verification never arrives. Could you help me out please?

I am having the same problem, can you please contact me?

I have the same problem, I am in Taiwan and switched to a new phone, when I click on receive SMS it never arrives, can you help me maybe?

Hey there im from Slovakia and i have the same problem as some of the ppl here cant recieve the sms text could you help somehow? Ty

I’m in france and I don’t receive the sms to validate.
Could you help me please?