No date selectable for scheduled transfers

This bug already occurred in the past, was solved, but is back again in v10.1.1.
After scanning a payment qr-code on my internet providers bill I can’t choose an execution date, nothing happens while touching the the button. The current account balance is lower than the amount to be transfered, but this shouldn’t be a problem for future transfers, this was fixed and worked fine for months now. Please fix it again.

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Yes. This happened to me as well. I couldn’t click the calendar button when the account balance was not sufficient.

I worked around it by adding money to the main account which allowed me to click the calendar button to choose a future date.

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Thats a nice workaround, but I don’t want to use workarounds for recently still functioning operations and not everyone has the possibility to ad money to the main account at any time.

Maybe it only works on Android, but if you select the date first and then the amount, it works for me. However, this is also only a workaround.

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Thank you for a second workaround, but when I scan a payment code, everything is just filled into the form, I don’t want to make changes or delete and re-add the amount or everything else then. Fact is, the procedure worked fine until one of the last updates. It feels like the Spotify app, where already fixed errors regularly come back after updates, partly weeks or months later. Hope Revolut won’t aspire the same behaviour.


Would be interesting to know their codebase. Wonder how this happens if you have a properly tested codebase with a working branching model. Would have suspected code quality to be quite high given that it’s a financial service.


Long running branches containing outdated code, and being merged without automated e2e testing.

There is a reason most companies these days prefer the trunk-based model with frequent commits to main.


Fixed with the update from today! Thank you, Revolut Team! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh, with QR codes I only get as far as the selection of the recipient. Amount and purpose are never taken over. Then the workaround for you is of course even more extensive than I thought.


I came here because this thread has been closed after the user said that his problem of not being able to schedule quarterly and yearly transfers was resolved - but at least in the current app I can’t select any schedule with a longer than monthly rythm.

Since I couldn’t comment on the closed thread and can’t open a new one I found this thread.


In this case the issuer provides probably a faulty or incomplete code. I have the same problem with my Allianz insurances bill, but with the code on my Vodafone internet bill everything is taken over, also amount and subject.

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I’m not talking about detecting a merchant-based scheduled payment but about a standing-order I created that I’d want to manually trigger once a year

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@hh93, my reply was for @kshb, your comment was later added from another topic in between.
The problem with no options for quarterly, semi-annually and annually execution times unfortunately still exists, yes.

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I have one membership-fee that has to be paid quarterly and one that has to be paid yearly and I’d like those to be automatically renewed in Revolut without me needing to either add them already for the next X years (which is bad in case the amount needed changes) or to add the next payment manually after the last one was triggered


Same here, the payment for my home insurance is due every 3 months. Formerly I was member of the Tentants’ Association, the payment was due semi-annually.

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Hello All :star2:
@moritzroessler @kshb We appreciate you providing us with this helpful workaround. :heart_hands:

@FolioBund Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :star2:

@Kamika242 I’m delighted to hear that the issue has been resolved. :star_struck:

@hh93 We appreciate your feedback, and we’ll certainly work on addressing the issue you’ve raised. :rocket:

Veda | Community Team

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