Info for Bulgarians ( Информация за български потребители )

Dear @anon33247966 and @larysa.stachowicz,

thanks for looking up the issue about Revolut card acceptance 2 years ago. I’m writing to you about a similar issue with Apple Pay service. I know Apple Pay is not currently supported in Bulgaria, but I had several notifications to my knowledge from people from UK traveling here. They can use Apple pay on some POS, but on POS operated bu BORICA it gives “wrong card number”. Since BORICA is operating on a whitelist method I think they need to feed the BIN or Apple Pay info in order for the service to work.
We had similar cases with Monese and N26 but they probably contacted BORICA and the issues are resolved. I hope in order to increase the :r: acceptance via Apple Pay for the many tourists coming here, it will be great if you can forward this info to your technical team and contact BIROCA ( [](;

As I mention N26 and Monese already resolved this issue and their acceptance via Apple Pay is everywhere now. I really hope :r: will do the same.

:slight_smile: :r: