How to receive payments from Apple Developer Store?

I note that an issue was open in 2018: Setting up my Revolut Business account with iTunes App Store Connect - the “resolution” was supposedly to talk to chat agents, but years later, it seems like this hasn’t been resolved. Or at least, nobody posted how to resolve this.

Is there a way to set up Apple Developer so that I don’t get the issue of the IBAN and account number not matching. I looked at receiving in USD or EUR, but the IBAN is based in the UK, so you still have to provide these details, so Apple doesn’t accept it.

Please, anyone can help? I have now moved. my business account to Revolut and it appears that I have no way to actually receive payments!

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Hello @mulder00 :wave: ,

Welcome to our Community. Sorry to hear that your problem hasn’t been fixed yet. To assist you better, it would be really helpful if you could reach out to us via the in-app chat. :pray:

SG | Community Team