Deactivated card by mistake

Hello , I have terminated my Card by mistake , how can i activate it again ??

Thank you

You’ll find the answer if you scroll up this page/thread!

Hi all I was trying to deactivate my virtual card, and terminated my revolut card instead on the app I am travelling in the morning and have the physical card in my hand can this be undone by support does anyone know as I don’t have the time now to re order a card nor do I want to when I have my own in my hand which was working perfectly fine please help as I am running out of time and travelling in the morning - thanks

Hi. Same problem: I unintentionally deleted my card and would like that to be undone.
Thanks a lot.

Thanks for the information! You’ll find the answer above … I am sure you manage it (reading a few older posts)!

Hi. Thanks for the feedback… but (if not wrong) no truly solution founded barring the addressing to services out of my current plan (app chat…). Thanks again!!

Hi Andreas.
I unintentionally deleted my card and would like that to be undone.
I saw you helped some people on this.
Thanks a lot.

Contact :r: via in-app chat or social media (facebook/twitter). You won’t get any other help here! If they are refusing to activate your card again, order a new one or stop using their service.

Hello i have a very bad situation,By mistake when i was trying set the limits for my card i had closed the pink premium visa card . I need you to tell me if u can help me reopen it again ! It disipired from my app

Hi. I have accidentally terminated my revolut card. Can you help me reactivate it?

Hello, I deactivated my card for about a week ago due to not being able to find it, and yesterday I found it somewhere in my room and I would like to know if it’s possible to reactivate it, the card not leaving the room for the past week so no possible option of it being corrupted/copied.

Thank you in advance!

If you have frozen the card you can unfreeze it in the app. If deleted you have to contact :r: support via in-app chat or social media (twitter/facebook).

Hi I had thos issue with my card has been terminated and I can not usevit anymore. Can be reactivate back

It could be a bunch of things in the card settings, but more likely you are setting off fraud systems (because it is pretty unlikely that you are able to use one of your cards in your current location and then 5 minutes later another card in Cuba).

And also the cards are personal (as signified by your name printed on the card) and you risk having your account closed by abusing the system like this.


Sorry, you’re wrong about your assumption. With “Junior” you’re ordering a card with the name of your kid on it. The terms and conditions state clearly that giving your card to someone else is prohibited.

See paragraph 11.

Please help me, noone resolves my problem since march

Unfortunately we can’t … this is a user forum. You have to contact :r: support via in-app chat or social media (twitter or facebook). If they are not resolving the issue you have to order a new card or close your account and move on.

Have you turned off this geo-location verificarion of the card in question?

Hi - my card is terminated accidentally also,
can you please help me reactivate it,
I have been on hold forever with online chat.

Hi Revolut, I have accidently deactivated/terminated my card. How can this be resolved? Thank you