Changed phone number but didn't in the app can't login account

Please help me I want too load my account for a holiday and can’t due too the fav I have chnaged my phone number and on my new number can’t log in! Get nowhere on the customer service if you get too talk too anyone!!! Please someone help me!!

Did you follow the procedure for a lost phone already? It should help you to get access to your account from a new phone:

What if I lose my phone?

Your Revolut card will still function the same without your smartphone. You can make ATM withdrawals and card payments, but you will not be able to check your balance or receive notifications on the go. You can top up your Revolut card via transfer - just make sure you know your reference number. Alternatively, contact the in-app support so we can change the mobile number on the account for you. Download the app on a new device, attempt to log in with your mobile number and then choose the option ‘I haven’t received a code’ to chat to support.

I have not lost my phone I have changed my number and now can’t use my account

Right, my mistake, I thought you also got a new phone with your new number. Still, the method seems to be the same for whatever reason someone does not have access to an old number.

Another paragraph from the FAQs:

Can I change my mobile number?

You simply need to go to the ‘Profile’ section of the app and edit your mobile number here by clicking on it and adding a new number. Then, you should log out (bottom of the page) and log back in with the new number to verify it.

If you cannot access the app as you need a 6-digit verification code message, please attempt to log in with your old mobile number and then select the option ‘I haven’t Received Code’ to speak to our in-app support.

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Hello,I didn’t change phone number or phone,but anyway I can’t log in to my account,what should I do?

I can’t log into my account. Can someone please help me?

I can’t log into my account and don’t have access to the old phone number. What can I do?

Hi can I speak to a live agent

Can you please help me with my account I want to login to my account but I can’t login it says that the number is not correct van you check the number for me please

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