Can't sign up using Revolut application.

I have the exact same issue with Switzerland. After validating the SMS code, I pick “Switzerland” in the list, and click on “Sign up securely”. Nothing happens (the same screen reloads). I tried with other countries (France, UK), and with those it does show the next step in the process.

This is on iOS 16.0.2 with version 8.72.2 of the Revolut app.

Hi ,
So inhave a problem to my revolut account.
I work with this application for a few months , all was goid until now .
I made a transfer from my banck here ,in revolut , workerd .
And inwanted to sent back from revolut to my banck the money .
Not to sent , not to recive !
I told myself lets make another revolut and test if this application have a BUG or something.
They dont let me , and now to wait for them to “check” my account . For what to wait when i need to recive money from my job??? Where i should recive and take money what i have in REVOLUT ???

Same problem here.
Been trying to sign up since a few hours ago.
I have an UK number.

So I am here with the same issue. I am in the USA. I installed the app and attempted to go through the setup process, but I never get a text when I enter my number. I have never had a Revolut account.

Any thoughts?

I have the same problem. Trying to sign up but after the pin code, it asks me to put a pin and then says “Incorrect passcode or phone number. I also verified my account and was told to wait 10 min with no avail, after that a tried several times to Authenticate my Identity but nothing comes up

Any ideas ? Or even a solution please ??

Oneplus 7

Uninstall, reinstall and cleared cache and data are done

I have the same problem. And no help to get from support. How can you contact support without being logged in?

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You might find this reference on contacting :r: useful…

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No i still didn’t hear from anyone…

I have the exact same problem. Trying to sign up and nothing happens after I choose the country of residence (Switzerland) and click “sign up securely”.

Hi @ThanosS and welcome.
Two posts above yours (view here) is a link on how to contact Revolut without being logged in.
You should be aware that this is a user forum for :r: and whilst other members can often provide guidance on solving problems, some issues can only be addressed directly by :r: themselves.

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Hi. I have the same problem. Have you got any solution?

I have the same problem: since today, no access to my account. Anyone from Revolut is reading this?

Hi @charlyrod and welcome.
You might like to read through (this topic) with ways to contact Revolut.

Thank you Graham for your help.

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Good evening!
Could you please tell me how long takes sign up process, because I see message “You took the first step to open account” already third day

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@Vladyslaaaav Hello, Welcome to the :r: community. :heart_eyes:

We appreciate your interest in signing up. Kindly note that the account opening process may require a bit more time. Your patience is greatly valued. Thank you! :pray:

Veda | Community Team

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Problem with my Revolut account app login

A post was merged into an existing topic: Unsupported countries and regions?

I have been trying to open an account for some weeks now and still get the you took the first step for opening your account message. I don’t know if it’s because the first time I tried signing I put as residence Mexico because that’s where I’m from (and it is not available) but actually I’m staying in the Netherlands. How can I change that if I don’t have an account and it’s with the same phone number?


@Ninacsm Hello, Welcome to :r: community. :heart_eyes:

I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. :frowning_face: You will need to first cancel your previous application process where the residence address was Mexico. Please contact us through in app chat and we will take it from there.
Once this is done please start the account opening process again with Netherlands as your residence address. :pray:

Hope this helps.

Veda | Community Team