Can't receive registration sms

have the same issue here

I have also the same problem

I have the same problem. I can’t register. I thought that maybe my account was created when I quoted my tel number in order to get a link to the app. But the recover password option doesn’t work either.

i didn’t receive a sms for login, after entering to 4 digit code. it seems revolut has no official support. who can we look for?

hi I cant get a registration sms code

Hi, it seems like most people here I’m not receiving the SMS 6 digit code. I previously had a Revolut account with a card, but haven’t open it for a while. I was prompted to update the app and now need to get access again, since I have money in this account I’m keen to get this sorted.

I need help but it looks like I cannot open a new issue so I’m forced to reply to this thread.

The problem is that, because of a transfer problem, I was suggested (chatting with the support) to log out, remove app data and login again but at the moment I cannot log in anymore because I do not receive the confirmation code by sms nor by email.

What can I do now? I cannot contact help because I cannot login.

Please help!

Hello everyone :wave: ,

Sorry to hear that you are unable to receive the confirmation code by the sms or the email. :frowning_face:

Kindly contact us by social media channel so that we can look into this individually. :hammer_and_wrench: We are waiting for you. :pray:

SG | Community Team


i’m in similar situation can you please help me?


I have the same problem. I dont get any registration code after entering the phone number for sign in. What should I do?

I have no idea what “contact us by social media” means in this context. I don’t use Facebook, and a DM in Twitter is rejected.

I got the SMS with the link to the app right away, but no confirmation SMS appears.

Revolut sounds like it might be a good solution for me but I will start researching other options.

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can you provide a social media platform to contact you guys on directly, so there’s no misunderstanding or crossed wires

Im in the same situation, banned for trying to register my phone.
Could you help me?

Hi everyone :wave:,

Sorry for the trouble. :slightly_frowning_face: If you are looking for the ways to contact us through social media, please check this topic. :pray:

@CarlosAlv @So-shiny @Elmas @londonbasedflat @mar.coo @mohs @revCK @user9375 @Aziz_Y_O @dem @dobrinnina @Ylapi @iando @Mvanrijn33 @Vladgligor @HighlyMiffed welcome to our :r: community. :heart:

Hope this helps. :blush:

SG | Community Team

Hello! I’m unable to contact Revolut to get support via the app because when I try to register for the app and reset my passcode, it says it will send a SMS code to verify me but it doesn’t send me a code. I am now waiting on Twitter over an hour to get help.

@PriscillaS Hello and welcome to our Community! :smiling_face: We are happy to have you here.Sorry to hear about what you are facing, I will try to help you out! Can you please follow the below steps to try and register?

  1. Check your network connection
  2. Try via wifi and mobile data
  3. Make sure you have the latest app version and software update
  4. Try restarting your device

Also, please rest assured our team is working on it and will get back to you soon via Twitter.

Hope this helps! :sunflower:

Veda | Community Team

2 posts were split to a new topic: Revolut Business Account Registration

A post was merged into an existing topic: Login Passcode

A post was merged into an existing topic: Help/Advice General Discussion

I am also not receiving the 6 digit code. Please help - I am just trying to sign up with you guys.