Can't create account

Hello all,

I’ll be happy to shed some light on the issue that appears to be affecting Revolut users.

After contacting the complaints team I have received the following information.

'Hi xxxx,

Thank you for your email.

After investigating your case, it seems that we are currently experiencing an ongoing issue with some users being unable to create a new passcode.

This issue has been already escalated, and our relevant team is already working on it. Unfortunately there’s not a timeframe for this to be solved, but we are doing our best to fix it as soon as possible.

I kindly ask you to wait a few more days and come back to us for an update if this is still not fixed.

Sorry for the inconveniences.

Have a nice day,

Paula A.

Complaints Analyst’

I will keep chasing this up and update the community when I hear anything more however I do urge any affected users to contact the team as I’d assume this will help put a figure to the number of affected user’s and help detail the bigger picture on the issue.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

@anon33247966 Hey andrea, despite trying to reach out to Revolut Team through all the different channels - complaint, twitter, facebook, revolut community, but no one is helping us with the problem of not being able to create a Revolut account. Can you please help us? Thank you!

I have the same issue can you please help

After I insert my phone number and try to create a password there’s a pop-up that says “We’re sorry, something has gone wrong. Please try again.”

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Hello, I have the same problem. Could you unblock my number?

The exact same problem here, too!

Same here. No 6-digit verification code received for a while now. Reinstalled and no change. Anyone already fixed it?

How do I reply to you if there is no reply button?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Hello. I just create an account, funded it and registered a bank account to make a trasfer. Well everthing is ok but when a want to send the money appears a message (in german cause I´m in Switzerland) "we are sorry. something went wrong. Try later. I would like to contact with personal support. Thank you in advance. Lemuel

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Hi @anon33247966, I have the same issue however cannot DM you. Please send me a msg and help me to create an account. Thanks a lot.

Yes, doing this @ discobot tasks to get better rating on my user profile but I can’t get any further with tasks as I can’t reply to the discobot bot as there’s no reply button showing. I can see the reply button on other posts. I have attached image if that any help.

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Hi I can not get the 6 digit code via sms. Cab you help me out?

Dear AndreasK,

I can’t register in Revolut app when I’m trying to do it all the time I have a problem with email address. I put in my email address and app gives me ( Please contact support for help with the request)

I have been locked out of my account. Money transferred out and I cannot even log in to contact anyone at Revolut
Email doesn’t work. Frustrated and stuck
Is there a number I can call??!
Frustrated revolut customer

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Same thing happen to me

Hello! I have the same problem here. I have been trying for weeks to make an account. Whenever I go to the “make a passcode” step, I get an error message. I tried deleting and re-installing the app but the problem persists. Could you please help me @anon33247966 ?