Budgeting and Analytics

Even if the time lines are vague or not mentioned, can some flavour be given on whether budgeting will be added to joint accounts? And whether that will be annual not just monthly? Things like holidays and home improvements/DIY and gifts are annual not monthly in nature and in personal budget I’m told I’m busting a monthly budget a lot but it is meaningless

Thank you!

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Yes exactly, that’s why I’d like to raise my hand to be included in the cohort and share feedback.

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Hello everyone :wave: ,

I would like to inform you that " Spending Analytics" is available in joint account from version 10.10 of the app. Tap on the Analytics icon in the top right corner of the app and choose the account you would like to check the analytics for, by tapping on the drop down menu from the top. Hope this helps. :sunflower:

SG | Community Team


@SG.Mandal this fantastic thank you. Now how can we change the categories of the transaction of the joint account?


@ekaiser, We are trying to streamline our “Joint Account”. Please bear with us. :pray:

SG | Community Team

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Hi, I opened Revolut with the understanding that budgeting is available for Joint accounts. But seems it is still not. Is it planned to be implemented? Any approx. timeline?
If I read correctly at least now the spent is categorised but we still cannot see if we overspend for any category as budgeting is not there? Right? :sob:


Welcome to our community @Morsjusha :wave:. I understand you wish to check the budgeting in your Joint Account but unfortunately that’s not available yet. We are trying to streamline the Joint account hence once this will be available, we will let everyone knows about it the way we announced " Spending Analytics" is available. :pray:

SG | Community Team


On Android on latest Revolut app one can’t change categories yet, so spending analytics are not as useful as it could/will be! I have lots of transactions auto categorised as ‘transfers’ which mixes fixed spending like mortgage with more discretionary spending.

Hopefully it will come… Soon!

And I hope budgeting will have an annual option not just monthly!

I’m sure Revolut don’t want to be a hostage to fortune, but any sort of development timeline, however vague and subject to change, would really be appreciated.


Same but iPhone user with latest version. Analytics is not super useful given the automatic categorization is very often incorrect.


Hey everyone :wave: ,

I would like to thank each one of you for sharing this valuable feedback with us. We are already looking into it. Please bear with us. :r:

SG | Community Team



Hey there :wave:

I’m not sure what’s being addressed right now and what’s not yet, but just wanted to highlight these things if it helps:

[Latest Android] Analytics no longer shows Incoming/Outgoing/Total per category. This renders Analytics useless for any category with any incoming transactions.

+1 for meaningful exported data - it should include categories and notes. Right now we are stuck with whatever version of the analytics we have in-app, which changed multiple times during the years and that paired with changes to how split transactions are counted results in unreliable and unpredictable breaking changes for budgeting. We are forced to use manual tracking which renders Analytics useless for anyone with even basic buffering habits.


As many people already said, we need income transfers to show up.
If I spent 100€ in restaurants but I receive a transfer of 50€, that means, for analytics, that I just spent 50€ in restaurants.
Otherwise, analytics is just a huge bug of this app and you can remove it.


Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We’re looking into it.

Welcome to our community @Agrati @Dawnut :wave:.

SG | Community Team


Thanks. I’m free if you need some user input to make analytics better and something useful for everyone in the community!


So sweet of you @Agrati. I will let them know about it. :heart_decoration:

SG | Community Team

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I’m really looking forward to use joint account with budgeting. Until then, we were using shared pockets we were withdrawing from. These withdrawals were showing up in each others analytics/budgeting. An imperfect way for joint account budgeting, but it was working. (I could only categorize withdrawals from ‘Savings’ to something else).

These withdrawals from shared pockets by my partner are not showing up anymore in my budgeting. Is there a way to make this configurable until we can use analytics/budgeting in joint account?


Hello @quabek :wave:,

Welcome to our community. I understand your concern. Please bear with us. :pray:

SG | Community Team

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I recently offered my partner to open a joint Revolut account to help us budgeting. I didn’t know it has NO budget tools yet :face_with_monocle::face_with_spiral_eyes:

Until then, it’s useless for us then :pensive:


There seems to be ability to amend categories for transactions in joint account now - but only for default categories, not custom ones (that personal and pro can do). Also, transactions need to be categories one by one.

There is also and income tab as well as spending and budget…

But no annual budget I don’t think.

There is some form of custom period for spending and income, but not yet budget (that could be flexible way to make budget periods like annual but say quarter or six-month too.

Is there a link a moderator could provide to what the new improvements are and what is still planned for the future? I just stumbled across the new features… So some welcome progress but a bit partial!


Hello @eMTee :wave: ,

Thanks for sharing your perspective here. We’ll make sure to keep everyone in the loop once the new features are rolled out. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience. :r:

SG | Community Team