ATM withdraw in Hungary

Usually ATM asks you if you agree with the fee if there is any fee. So dont worry, just try ATMs but I think most whithdrawals will be free.

Erste Bank doesn’t seem to accept revolut anymore.
Used OTP and CIB this time.

Hey! Do you know if I have euro on my Revolut account and I want to withdraw it on an OTP Euro ATM, is there gonna be a fee? Thanks

Others on a hungarian forum have done it before, it has no fee.

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You can withdraw EUR form OTP (EUR ATM) for free.
I’ve found only one EUR ATM in Budapest, an OTP EUR ATM at Deák Ferenc utca.

In Hungary all the ATMs, that belongs to a Bank, they don’t charge any fee.
Euronet is not a bank in Hungary.

Most banks: OTP, ERSTE, CIB, Budapest Bank (BB), MKB, K&H

I live in Budapest and use Revolut card.

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Hungary has banned entry to all foreigners and tourists since Mid March 2020,even I who have a house and home for 22 years, so don’t expect much usage of Revolut in the coming months.

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So let me get this straight - you’re saying that HU has banned people who have permanent residency there?

I thought only China had done this. I certainly haven’t heard of any EEA country doing that.

Could you provide a source for this? The V4 countries tend to copy each other when it comes to border policies and I’m pretty certain that this doesn’t apply to CZ or SK, and 100% certain it’s not true for PL.

He was saying this related to Covid. @Pangolin
Nothing to worry about, same procedure as other countries, so don’t take it serious lol :slight_smile:

I don’t think EEA countries have banned people who have residency in the country from entering though? Just tourists and foreigners. He has a house and has had one for 22 years and presumably has right of stay in Hungary?

Some have, if it’s not permanent and only place of residence. Mallorca and Belgium for example.

just check official government sites. I am habitual resident but never bothered getting Hungarian Residents card as I’m a EU citizen.
III. Government Regulations
Government 81/2020. (IV. 1.) Government Decree
ordered to preserve health and life and to restore the national economy
emergency measures
The government
within its original legislative competence as defined in Article 53 (2) of the Basic Law, subject to the
XII of 2020 on the protection of provisions of law,
with regard to Section 13 in its original legislative competence as defined in Article 53 (3) of the Basic Law, the coronavirus
XII of 2020 on protection against on the basis of a parliamentary authorization pursuant to Section 3 (1) of the Act,
acting within the scope of its duties as defined in Article 15 (1) of the Basic Law
orders the following:

  1. Extraordinary measures
    § 1. (1) The Government shall issue Decree 40/2020 on the declaration of a state of emergency. (III. 11.) Government Decree
    (hereinafter referred to as the “Emergency”), the Prime Minister as the member of the Government responsible for responding to the emergency.
    (2) In the performance of his duties under subsection (1), the Prime Minister shall be responsible for the control of the coronavirus epidemic.
    Operational Staff (hereinafter: Operational Staff) assists.
    § 2 Non-Hungarian citizens arriving from abroad in passenger traffic to the territory of Hungary - § 4 (1), (2) and
    With the exception set out in paragraph 5.
    § 3. (1) Hungarian citizens arriving from abroad in passenger traffic - as defined in § 4 (1), (2) and (5)
    with the exception of
    a) undergo a medical examination upon entry into Hungary, which they are obliged to tolerate,
    (b) in which the health examination reveals a suspicion of COVID-19 infection are placed in a designated quarantine
    © who are not suspected of being infected with COVID-19 during a medical examination, are required to
    subject themselves to home epidemiological surveillance at their place of residence or stay
    (hereinafter referred to as “official home quarantine”), by:
    (ca) the epidemiological authority registers such persons,
    (cb) compliance with official house quarantine rules for general police duties
    (hereinafter referred to as the “police”)
    (d) who, during a medical examination, do not suspect COVID-19 infection but do not have
    With residence or stay in Hungary,
    (da) leave the territory of Hungary in accordance with official regulations, or
    db) are placed in designated quarantine.
    (2) The measures referred to in paragraph 1 © and (d) shall not apply if the Hungarian
    the citizen provides credible evidence that
    (a) has recovered from COVID-19 infection and shows no symptoms of infection, or
    (b) has been subject to epidemiological surveillance for at least 14 days prior to entry.
  2. The care of persons in official domestic quarantine or designated quarantine in accordance with paragraph 1 © and (d)
    is the responsibility of the mayor of the municipality.
    (4) Act of 1997 on the processing and protection of health data and related personal data
    XLVII. Personal data processed in accordance with Section 5 (3) of the Act is the data controller - the police epidemiological authority
    in order to carry out his duties, to the police without delay if requested to do so by the police,
    free of charge and with priority over other data transmission obligations.E N G L I S H • No. 62 of 2020 1715
    (5) The epidemiological authority shall comply with Act CLIV of 1997 on the ordering of official domestic quarantine or health care. law
    (hereinafter: Eütv.) on epidemiological segregation, epidemiological surveillance, epidemiological closure,
    and forward the decision on epidemiological restriction to the police out of turn for inspection
    in order to carry out its tasks.
  3. The police shall use the data specified in subsection (4) for the purposes of epidemiological control and official home quarantine.
    to verify compliance with its rules. No data may be entered in the register which:
    not necessary for the control of epidemiological control and compliance with official home quarantine rules.
    The data in the register are subject to official domestic quarantine, epidemiological isolation, epidemiological surveillance,
    shall be canceled at the time of the epidemiological closure and the end of the epidemiological restriction.
    (7) The provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of this Government Decree shall not apply to freight traffic.
    Section 4 (1) Except from the provisions specified in Section 2 and Section 3 (1), with the exception of Sections (2) and (5),
    in special cases, the Deputy Chief of Police may grant a dismissal, or
    may lay down a specific rule of conduct if
    (a) a health examination has not revealed any suspicion of COVID-19 infection, and
    b) the data subject has been quarantined in accordance with Section 3 (1) (d) (db) and the official quarantine
    registered for quarantine.
    (2) National Chief of Police
    (a) in the case of nationals of a neighboring State, and
    (b) in transit for humanitarian purposes
    border crossing, stay in the territory of Hungary, transit, route, stopping possibilities,
    the rules on special transport for humanitarian transit in a decision
    lay down.
    (3) Act CL of 2016 on General Administrative Procedure. Unlike Section 89 (2) of Act no
    Notice of the decision pursuant to this Article shall be published in the Official Journal.
    (4) There shall be no appeal against the decision referred to in subsection (2) and it may not be challenged in court.
    (5) Section 2, Section 3 (1) and (1) shall not apply to military convoys during an emergency.
    In connection with the passage through Hungary, if during the team movement only a technical device,
    equipment and stocks are moved and border crossings are ensured on the part of neighboring countries
    and if it is
    (a) for the performance of a task under an allied obligation or an international agreement
    It happens
    b) qualifies as a military troop movement already authorized by the National Assembly or the Government,
    © is intended solely for transit through the territory of Hungary, and
    d) with Hungarian police or military police insurance, on a specified route and - absolutely necessary
    with the exception of refueling and rest at a place designated by the insurer,
    it happens without stopping.
    § 5. (1) A non-Hungarian citizen who is defined in § 2 of the Criminal Code Act 2012
    The introduction or spread of an infectious disease subject to the quarantine obligation in breach of Section 361 of Act C.
    epidemiological segregation, surveillance, quarantine and control rules
    violates, is expelled from the territory of Hungary.
    (2) The 2012 Regulation on Infringements, Infringement Procedure and the Infringement Registration System
    II. Protection against infectious diseases pursuant to Section 239 (1) (a) of the Act (hereinafter: Szabstv.)
    failure to comply with the rules of the Szabstv. By way of derogation from Section 11 (1), the minimum amount of the fine
    five thousand forints, the highest amount being five hundred thousand forints.
    (3) In the event of a violation pursuant to subsection (2), the Szabstv. Contrary to Section 239 (2), the police are also entitled
    to conduct the proceedings and make a decision if the commission of the violation has been detected by the police.
    (4) In the event of a violation pursuant to subsection (2), the amount of the on-site fine shall be determined in accordance with Szabstv. By way of derogation from Section 99 (2)
    It ranges from five thousand forints to one hundred thousand forints, and in the case of repeated violations to one hundred and fifty thousand forints.
    (5) The Szabstv. By way of derogation from Section 1 (1), a person who
    a) a specific rule of conduct determined pursuant to Section 4 (1), or
    b) border crossing, residence, transport,
    health and route and stopping rules
    violateE N G L I S H • No. 62 of 2020
    (6) In the event of a violation pursuant to paragraph (5), the Szabstv. By way of derogation from Section 11 (1), the fine is the lowest
    the amount is five thousand forints, the highest amount is five hundred thousand forints.
    (7) In the event of a violation pursuant to paragraph (5), the amount of the on-site fine shall be determined in accordance with Szabstv. By way of derogation from Section 99 (2)
    It ranges from five thousand forints to one hundred thousand forints, and in the case of repeated violations to one hundred and fifty thousand forints.
    § 6. (1) Expiring official documents of Hungarian citizens valid in the territory of Hungary during an emergency situation
    they are valid for 15 days after the end of the emergency.
    (2) Visits of higher education institutions by students are prohibited.
  4. In the case of a coordinated defense, an public educational institution, with the exception of paragraph 4, shall
    a break may not be ordered by the head of the institution, the clerk or the Office of Education.
    (4) The institution providing nursery care and the local government according to the location of the kindergarten
    mayor - in the capital, the mayor of the capital district - (hereinafter together: the mayor) in the crèche
    and may order an extraordinary break for pre-school institutions. The mayor is on break
    inform the Minister for Children and Youth Policy in turn.
    (5) With regard to the care and upbringing of a child, the provisions of a separate government decree
    entitlement to health insurance and family benefits until the end of the emergency
    (6) The Foreign Language Learning Program is suspended.
    (7) A school trip abroad is prohibited, a school trip abroad that has already been booked must be canceled.
    § 7 An EEA citizen who is entitled to permanent residence shall be treated in the same way as a Hungarian citizen and this
    proves your right with a permanent residence card.
    § 8. (1) The territory of Hungary may be left only with the special permission of the minister responsible for the management of the sector
    (a) CLIV Health Act 1997. statutory health workers,
    b) CCV of 2012 on the Status of Defense Forces. professional contract staff and
    volunteer reserve soldiers performing actual military service,
    c) Article CXIV of 2018 on the legal status of defense personnel. statutory defense personnel,
    d) the Act of 2015 on the Employment of the Professional Staff of Law Enforcement Bodies
    XLII. legal professional employees and law enforcement administrative employees,
    e) Act CXXII of 2010 on the National Tax and Customs Administration. employed by law, and
    f) Act CXXV of 2018 on Government Administration. statutory government officials.
    (2) In the case of ministries and the Government Office of the Prime Minister, the Minister or
    it may take place with the special permission of the Prime Minister.
  5. An authorization pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 may also be granted to a specific group of employees.
    § 9. (1) The Hungarian Armed Forces shall, subject to the provisions of law, co-operate with the emergency situation.
    in the implementation of related law enforcement measures, as well as supporting the police and the professional
    disaster management body in the performance of its tasks. The Hungarian Armed Forces in an emergency
    contributing tasks independently, on the basis of the guidelines of the staff referred to in paragraph 3, or
    together with the police.
    (2) The Defense Medical Institutes of the Medical Center of the Hungarian Armed Forces are members of the NATO Medical Center of Excellence.
    In cooperation with the Center, it continuously sends its proposals for measures to the Head of the Operational Staff.
    (3) Act of 2011 on the Hungarian Armed Forces and the measures that may be introduced in the special legal order
    CXIII. Act (hereinafter: Hvt.) in accordance with Section 36 (1) e) of the Emergency Situations
    during the Hvt. It is not regulated in a separate government decree issued on the basis of Section 81 (1) (l)
    In this case, the Hungarian Armed Forces
    a) the decision of the member of the Government responsible for emergency response,
    b) the decision of the member of the Government responsible for national defense,
    © at the request of the Operational Staff, or
    (d) a request from a member of the Government responsible for disaster protection
    indicated in the decision under point (a) or (b) and in the request under point © or (d)
    capacity and the ability to perform its other tasks in an emergency
    taking into account the

Poster clearly said he/she has no PR card, so legally he/she does not qualify as a permanent resident.
The government in this country certainly has done a good couple of outrageous things in recent months but this is not among them. What happened to the poster is unfortunate but maybe excusable in light of the worldwide emergency.

is there a limit how much you can withdraw from the card in one transaction.
If anyone reads this, How can I create a new topic in Revolut community.

Hey everyone!!

I have a Revolut account with both HUF and EUR. I went a couple of hours ago to widraw money for my rent, thinking I was not going to be charged any transaction fee from widrawing in HUF but apparently I was.

I could have swear I was never before but I can be wrong.
Could someone give me an idea about this? I used one of those blue atms, since I thought I might be charged if I used one from my current bank.


You haven’t said from which bank, but it sounds like you are describing a Euronet ATM, which have their own rules and should be avoided like the plague. €4 for a withdrawal AND a terrible exchange rate, AND a really confusing set of questions designed to get you to use their own exchange rate.

Euronet actually pay shopowners to install ATMs (here in the UK it’s usually the other way round), but also bribe airports to have solely their ATMs (Krakow is one example, Rejkjavik another) and no-one else’s.

Hello to everybody.
I have convert euros to huf and I would like to withdraw some of them in a atm. Is there some bank that doesn’t charge for exchange rates?
Thanks in advance

Hola!! Voy a viajar a Budapest en las próximas semanas y tengo varias dudas sobre la tarjeta Revolut:

1ª- Me ha quedado claro que si pago con la tarjeta Revolut en un comercio de allí durante EL FIN DE SEMANA me van a cobrar una comisión del 1%. Mi duda es, y si saco florines de un cajero de allí durante EL FIN DE SEMANA con la tarjeta Revolut, ¿también me cobrarán esta comisión o solo es al pagar con la tarjeta Revolut en un comercio?

2ª ¿Cuándo se considera que empieza el FIN DE SEMANA y cuándo termina?

3ª He leído en algunos sitios, que los cajeros de allí te pueden cobrar una comisión por “CONVERSION” y que hay que darle a que no quieres la conversión… pero y eso exactamente, ¿cómo y cuándo te lo pregunta el cajero?

4ª También he leído que aconsejan que cuando vayas a pagar en un comercio, con la tarjeta, en el TPV pongas o le digas al comerciante que quieres pagar en moneda local (florines), y tengo la misma duda: ¿cómo y cuándo le tengo que dar esa instrucción?

5ª ¿Qué cajeros/bancos no me cobran la comisión SURCHARGE FEE cuando saque dinero?, ¿hay alguna lista?, ¿cómo sé yo que un cajero me está cobrando esa comisión cuando esté sacando dinero? ¿me avisa el cajero para poder cancelar la operación?

Esas son todas mis dudas. Disculpad si son muy tontas pero estoy muy verde en estos temas. Muchas gracias de antemano a los que se tomen un ratillo para contestarme. Un saludo!!

A post was split to a new topic: Travel to Budapest (translated)

muchas gracias Graham_Lees!!!

Una pregunta: cómo puedo abrir un tema nuevo en este foro?? (ahora mismo sólo me dejan escribir en este hilo)

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