Apple Pay support

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry.

Maybe both at the same time ?

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Pretty much yeah.qqq

Psychotic? Hmm, I have never tried that. Thanks.

I hope it’s “apple pay” this July and not new GIFs like the June announcement… haha

Anyways, Revolut has to introduce apple and android pay.
In the words of Donald Trump, “It’s not a question of IF but a question of WHEN”. :wink:


We will Find out soon enough.


But did you forgot already that they said that in April of 2017 :joy: I love :r:
There was also a post about 3 different Twitter staff: the optimistic, the pessimistic and the one who says nothing,just sends emojis. :smiley:


When trying to enroll the Revolut card in Apple Pay I get the “not supported” message straight away, so I don’t think we will see Apple Pay in the next 3 months.

Why do you say next three months? I mean yes it is now showing up but they are just making an announcement on the announcement. So on July 1st we will have a statement about NFC payment aka Apple and Google Pay and the actual date when they are enabling it. :slight_smile:
We could still get Apple Pay in couple weeks or so, Wallet wouldn’t explicitly had to show it weeks beforehand :slight_smile:

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Looks like it’s coming for google pay or at least for google pay in Germany :grimacing:


Google pay is certain, as per numerous rumors, but Apple Pay is the real question…hahaha


There is no Revolut on Polish version of this site :disappointed_relieved:

We don’t see it either.

I would not read too much into this. Poland / Czech Republic do not have the category “available soon” on the website at all. G Pay in Germany was announced just today, so it makes more sense to update this specific country website while other country sites aren’t updated since G Pay is already live there.

After all, Revolut is not even listed on G Pay UK.

There are going to be a hell of a lot of disappointed users if Apple Pay doesn’t materialise. Yet again!

These teasers get really quite stale after a while :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sadly, Apple has to agree on ApplePay implementation too…so it’s not always :r:s fault :frowning:

Well, we had that section before. But I agree with you.

True. Apple has to agree. But it was not Apple who announced last year in April that ApplePay at Revolut it’s arriving soon…

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So what are the options?

If a bank honestly thinks that it can offer something but is not allowed to talk about it before a partner announced something and all they really can say is “soon”, “working on it” or nothing at all, what would you like to hear?

If a bank honestly thought it can offer something soon but that changed due to unexpected hurdles, management decisions, other priorities and still isn’t able to provide a concrete date or the reasons for this delay, what would you like to hear?

To avoid this kind of disappointment, a bank could either not address a service customers are asking for at all. Or use even more generic statements like “we are interested in this”. Both disappointing in itself.

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