Virement très en retard

J’ai fait un virement de mon compte personnel de 240€ le 05 décembre 2016 et je regarde mon compte Revolut aujourd’hui et je ne vois toujours rien arrivé…
Que dois je faire ?
Nous sommes le 14 décembre 2016, et ça commence très sérieusement à m’inquiéter.
Merci d’une réponse rapide

I made a transfer from my personal account of 240 € on 05 December 2016 and I look at my Revolut account today and I still do not see anything happen …
What should I do ?
It’s December 14, 2016, and it’s starting to get seriously worried.
Thanks for a quick reply

Hello @arnober,

Send me a direct message your phone number associated with your account so we can get in touch and help you with this.


Andreas K.

I have assigned the transfer into your account

I would like to know why it takes each time as much time, please
Thanx a lot for the transfert :slight_smile:

We have received the transfer without a reference number.

My pleasure :wink:

Therefore, normally what is the duration of a normal transfer?

International transfers take up to 3 working days.

ok thanx a lot

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can you help me please, my employer sent me my salary for several days but I still haven’t received the transfer.