Up your Business API game with Cards and Team members πŸ’ͺ🏽

Hey there, developers!

We’ve just unleashed two new APIs for Revolut Business β€” Cards and Team Members. :rocket:

So, what are the features of the Cards API?

  • Create up to 200 virtual cards for each of your team members
  • Retrieve a list of cards and view card details
  • Change card spending limits for multiple cards at once
  • Freeze and unfreeze cards to keep your spending secure

…and more!

So, what are the features of the Team members API?

  • Invite new members to join your account
  • Retrieve a list of team members and access information about them, such as their ID, email address, first and last name, role, and state (active, created, disabled, etc.)

… and more!

To dive deeper, check out the Cards and Team members pages. You can explore our other APIs on the Business API page*.

*Business API is available for paid plans only. T&Cs apply.