Unable to create account

Can I confirm that Revolut App cannot be used on iPhone 6 or earlier - I get this when I try to download

Now i’m not getting the message

“ Sorry, we can not onboard you at the moment.”

But when i select my country the click sign up securely, ite app loops and load the same
Page over and over and over. Plop

Any idea what to do?

I have the same problem . Have you solved it friend?

He’s not your friend, guy!

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I’m in the waiting list number 279 for 2 months after 2 people have opened account with my link
any can help??

Hei! Got same issue but not even bluestacks or other similar got solved, once i got to address the app restarted and i havent been able to try again, always putting the “an error have ocurred” message

Hey, I created an account and my account was desactived because I think I forgot some names or bad photos, can I get a new account on my phone?

Hi, I also have the issue with the phone verification, tried with bluestack and still not getting past the verification code.