Top-up via credit card delayed

Hi there,

Lately I have experienced that when I top-up with my ING Visa it takes about 10-20 minutes until the money arrives in my :r: account.

Is that a common issue?

Glad it’s not just me.

Notice it Revolut says ‘successful’ but checking my credit card (Tandem UK) doesn’t actually show anything… 20 minutes later it works…

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I was literally loitering in the supermarket. I usually keep my :r: below 150€ as it helps me to not spent too much money. Yesterday my mom went shopping without her wallet. I wanted to introduce her to modern banking and Google Pay. I am glad she didn’t realize there was a delay because that would have substantiated the arguments to stay in a cardless cash society. :smile:

How do you determine that top-up is delayed? Does app not show “Top-Up by …” info ?
Or it is shown, but amount in app does not change?
If its second, then maybe its just infamous display bug like described here - Top-up amount does not automatically add up

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No, no. My ING app doesn’t push and :r: doesn’t show any info either.

It happens to me sometimes, but it’s never a too long delay so it hasn’t been an issue to me. Different credit cards.

Yesterday everything was fine over here. :man_shrugging:t3: