Tansfer to Romania IBAN does not work


I am from romania and i want to transfer money from an account in ron (romanian courency) to my ron account in revolut. i talked with my bank and they told me that the IBAN is good but they need also the the swift code and the adress, the adress was good to but the swift code not, they told me that is not complete, there are some characters missing, what can i do ? how can i performe the transfer ?

i am in france and i want to convert those money in euros after i receive them.

If you have a bank card attached to your local RON account then you can top-up your Revolut account with it.

Knowing mainstream bank it looks like an internal procedure issue and if you manage to provide the “correct” information there is a 80% chance that those damn fu@#%er will forget the reference number :slight_smile:

Good luck !

Salut Mihai :slight_smile: Din cate am auzit, sistemele bancilor romanesti sunt prea invechite pentru transferuri catre Revolut :r: S-a discutat despre asta la un #RevRally si seful de marketing, Chad West, a spus ca sunt rezervate deja IBAN-uri locale in RON si vor fi disponibile in curand :+1:

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Hi, I’m just curious if this has been solved or not. It doesn’t seem to work right now for me.

Ma poate ajuta și pe mine cineva cu o lămurire, mi sa transferat în contul revolut (direct iban) din alt cont revolut o suma de bani însă de 8 zile acei bani nu au întrat în cont, cel ce a trimis banii spune ca iau fost retrași banii