strange updates without version change

Lately I’m noticed that after updating R app via playstore (android) after some time (one or few days) there is new version seemingly, but after updating to it app version number stays same.

Is it considered normal ?

I’ve noticed this as well and Revolut is not the only app where this happens. Probably some small changes where the developers see no need to increase the version number?!

we are only shown the first two numbers (vX.Y) of the version, they used to show four iirc (vX.Y.Z.ε). I guess they still use the extra elements on their versions but not show minor details to the users to reduce clutter on the UI.


This is Google’s doing. Play Store has recently started “updating” apps for security reasons without the developer updating anything at all. I don’t know what exactly they change in these “updates”, but this is the reason it’s happening without a version change and also to other apps as well.