Spotify vs Apple Music 🤔

Hi Everyone! :star2:

Today we bring to you the ultimate debate: Spotify or Apple Music? :drum:

Which one is your go-to, and why?

Spotify and Apple Music are two of the biggest players in the music streaming industry, with millions of users worldwide. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s up to the individual user to decide which one is right for them :musical_note:

So, what is your choice? Is it the seamless integration with your Apple devices that draws you to Apple Music? Or is it the personalised playlists and extensive library of music that draws you to Spotify? :thinking:

Perhaps you have a strong opinion on which platform offers better sound quality, or maybe it’s the social aspect of Spotify that you enjoy. Whatever your reasons, we want to hear from you.

And, as always, with Revolut, you can easily pay for your music streaming subscription and keep track of your spending with our budgeting tools. So let’s get this ultimate debate started! :point_down:

Veda | Community Team


Spotify free
I dont care about the random ads
Podcast works offline


Amazon music as I get it for free.

Revolut should’ve include either of the above in the Ultra package, or throw it in with Metal :eyes:


@hup333 Hello and Greetings from the :r: Community. :blush:

Please enlighten us on how you aren’t bothered by those sneaky little ads. :face_holding_back_tears: What sort of podcasts have captured your ears lately? We’d love to hear your recommendations. :face_with_monocle:

@Carl_1460 We hear you, and we appreciate your suggestion! We’ll definitely take note of your interest. :rocket:

Calling all the music lovers!! Share your opinions and let’s settle this once for all. :notes:

Veda | Community Team


a) I don’t have any of this bitten apple stuff, never had, so I can’t compare.
b) I am a Spotify premium user from the beginning, I miss nothing. I hate advertising.
Sometimes the app is faulty at some functions after an update, but meanwhile they fix it quickly, most of the time.


I still use Spotify Premium because I have a 12 month subscription. Their system/algorithms is/are broken (recommendations, favorite artists, etc.). HiFi Audio still not available. I plan to switch… maybe Qobuz… but definitely not Apple Music!


@zapata @Kamika242 I agree. Spotify ads are like uninvited party guests. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Thank you for your feedback. :notes:

Where are the other users? I am eager to hear your opinions. :loudspeaker:

Veda | Community Team


That’s a very accurate description! :smile:


Should share the community via your socials such as Facebook etc to get more people involved, it’s rather quiet over here :sweat_smile:


@Carl_1460 We appreciate your suggestion! Sharing the community via our social media channels is a great idea to increase involvement. :face_holding_back_tears:

Veda | Community Team


Spotify does not play any extra ads on podcast.
And podcast can be downloaded offline, without premium.
Having my google Nest audio playing Spotify in the background at home.
The ads are not worse than an ad, supported radio.
Where music gets interrupted
With streaming, no ads in the music (At least not yet)
Only after the tracks, or in the beginning

In my country i pay 79 DKK for Netflix, with no ads, and offline acces
With 1 stream, fine then you live alone.
Spotify? 99 DKK for one account

Recommendations, hmmm
Not any particular at the moment
abroad in japan


@hup333 That’s good to hear. Thank you for sharing this with us. :star2:

Veda | Community Team

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Apple Music is my choice of music service.

The number one reason is its native working superiority over Spotify.
I’ve been deeply within the Apple ecosystem since before the iPhone so for me just having things all from the same source works best.
I prefer the simpler layout and design of Apple Music.
I didn’t like the way Spotify organises its screens last time I checked them.
Plus having HomePods, iPads, Apple Watch, Mac etc, having the same native app on each of them and being usable with Siri is a winning point.

Spotify isn’t a bad music service however. If you are someone not fully Apple Ecosystem then Spotify is pretty good.

But for me the simpleness of Apple Music wins for me.


@JustJosh Hello :wave: Welcome to the :r: community.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on why Apple Music is your preferred choice. It sounds like you’ve found your groove with Apple Music in the sweet embrace of the Apple ecosystem. :blush:

Veda | Community Team

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YouTube Music :smile


@lee77 Hello, Welcome to the :r: community. :star_struck:

Well, it seems like you’ve taken the ‘remix’ route in this musical battle! :stuck_out_tongue:

Veda | Community Team

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I use Apple Music and like it, I also have YouTube premium, but don’t even remember that YouTube Music exists most of the time.

I should use YouTube more because I have 25GB “extra play” on my carrier so it would use this instead of my main data (like Apple Music does).

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@Eudes Sounds like a savvy data saving move. :rofl:

I used to have 47GB data, but I switch to 25GB + 25GB extra (to be used on streaming services) because I had a small international trip and this plan included roaming on the neighbor countries.

And I was using less than 3GB/monthly anyway.

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