Split Bill in Analytics

Hey everyone! I have a suggestion for Revolut.

When my partner buys a Ryanair trip for the both of us, for example for 40€, he can “split the bill” and make me pay half (so 20€). I can then categorize those 20€ as being “Travel”, so that the Analytics tab recognizes I spend 20€ in travelling this month.

However, if I’m the one spending those 40€ and splitting the bill, the Analytics tab will always understand that I spent 40€ in travelling, even though the bill was split. It would be nice if splitting the bill would adjust the amount you spent in the Analytics tab as well.

Best regards.


+1 - analytics don’t take into account split bills. They also don’t account for fraud and chargebacks e.g. my card was compromised and €235 spent on flights. I later received a chargeback for this but my analytics still shows that money havening been spent on travel.


This is still relevant. Especially with the budget feature, the split bills should be taken in consideration!


Agreed, the inability of the Analytics tab to recognise and take account of Split Bills means that my budget will display well over what I have actually spent.

It would additionally be useful if it took note of what money went to Vaults in round ups.

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+1 agreed it is rather frustrating to try and use this to budget or track spending when it does not actually track the net expenditure on split bills.

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Totally agree. Myself and my partner split all of our grocery bills so the analytics are therefore useless for both of us.
The split bill and the analytics are the best features of Revolut and it’s a shame that you can only use one or the other


I agree it’s nice to only show the amount you have spent if a bill has been split. It sounds good for when you’re with friends too.

Really like the idea. I think it is necessary to count in both splitting the bill and transfers received, because at the end of the month the current analytics are very misleading :slight_smile:


totally aggree, it messes up the statitistics thus loosing its purpose.


Analytics and Budget make no sense if you split your bills a lot


+1 Analytics and Budget make no sense if you split your bills a lot


I’m very fond of using rule of thumbs when making budgeting decision. For example a 50/30/20 split for Needs/Wants/Savings of take home pay. Having the ability to split individual payments and then categorise them would be incredibly useful for things like that. If I’m doing a food shop (Needs) and I decide to treat myself to something then that would be a want.

At the moment these are grouped into a single payment that can only have one category. The way around it is to making multiple purchases at the store. Which is never going to happen. Being able to break down a bill would be great for this.

I also regularly do shopping for others and sometimes share purchases. Splitting bills so they are reflected accurately in analytics would be very useful. I would suggest that not having a limit on the amount of times a bill can be split would be good as well. As it would allow for the easy ability to do something like. Do a food shop, bulk buy a wine for party, split the party purchases off into its own category within my account, then split the party bill with the party co-hosts.

  • 1 definitely

Removing half the split bill from the analysis total spend, and being able to tag transitions to NOT add to the analysis total spend would make this feature fully functional.

Currently, I have to manually create a sheet from the data in Revolut to track my “actual” spend. It It was 33% lower than revolut stated was my spend this month because of splits and paying for someone who paid me back through revolut.


+1 to this. Budgets becomes useless the moment split bill is used. The category and overall budget needs to reflect any bills that have been split.


Many old threads about this and still no fix. Please this needs to be prioritized, Analytics is almost useless without it…


+1 for this. I also have to manually substract what I received from friends so the analytics tab is useful. Otherwise real expenses are completely skewed



I have now made revolut my main account for discretionary spendings to be able to categorize everything and it’s working perfectly… except for this issue… :cry:

+1 Totally agree! I split almost every bill with my boyfriend and at the end of the month I found myself with totally useless statistics, which is one of the main features that brought me to Revolut. It’s quite sad to discover that people have already been complaining about this in the last three years and still nothing changed.

@anon33247966 do you know if the team is planning to work on this soon?

Now they fix it. Now the stats work fine also with the split bill… Try to see it… :slight_smile: