Sandbox payment is not getting completed with instance.payWithPopup()

Im having issue with sandbox instance.payWithPopup(), payment is not geting completed for some reasons. I successfully created the order then wit that response.public_id opened payWithPoput and entered the test cards and the payment get failed.
I writting here becouse im unable to create topic and ad anywhere else.

1st call:

1st response:

  "token": "b1c293b6-3f50-4471-b73d-2d91cf665796",
  "order": {
    "token": "dfbb8ce3-60bf-49a1-9504-34eb7619ce95"
  "state": "authentication_verified",
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "card",
    "brand": "visa",
    "last_four": "5709"

2nd call:

2nd resposne:

    "token": "b1c293b6-3f50-4471-b73d-2d91cf665796",
    "order": {
        "token": "dfbb8ce3-60bf-49a1-9504-34eb7619ce95"
    "state": "failed",
    "payment_method": {
        "type": "card",
        "brand": "visa",
        "last_four": "5709"

as you can se state: FAILED , any ideas what could be issue

Aditionaly there is this error in the documenation instance openWithPopup forked file:

{ [conflict: Document update conflict]
  status: 409,
  name: 'conflict',
  message: 'Document update conflict',
  error: true,
  id: 'e0d3e19d-561f-41ee-8517-c29b41069b0c',
  docId: 'e0d3e19d-561f-41ee-8517-c29b41069b0c' }

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Hi there,

This is related to an outage affecting sandbox card payments. it should be fixed later today.

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Thank you Mohamed , i was just worried that i did not implement it well.