Revolut Sort code and account number

I have signed my contract in London but I still haven’t received the money so I think that I have done something wrong. I used my IBAN to get my sort code and bank account but maybe that is wrong. Due I havent find in the app where is the sort code and bank account, I read in a website that if my IBAN is GB70 REVO 1234 5678 9012 34.
123456 Is my sort code and 78901234 is my bank account, then in the name of the bank I used Revolut Ltd. Does anyone know if I did something wrong?


Dear @Jveiga

Indeed, UK based banks have that information embedded in the IBAN, however, it is not how it works for your international GBP details. For payments from the UK, you can go ahead and use your local GBP details that will have sort code and account number set up specifically to receive British pounds. Please send me the name of your company via direct message or drop a message via chat for more guidance in that matter if needed.

Best regards,


Dear Rafael, Mepal has recently opened a business bankaccout, GB05REVO00996977628876, especially for our British business customers.
The British customers transfer money in GBP, they use the sort code 009969 and that sort code is not valid.

How can we solve this problem asap!!

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

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I’m having the same issues with receiving funds from Qatar, I’m based in the UK and the banks over there do not recognise Revolut IBAN or BIC details causing payments to bounce back.

Has anyone received funds from Qatar or the middle east without issues? thanks.


Hi there,
two questions:
How can I contact directly the helpline or any other service of Business Revolut?
How can I get the money in GBP sent by my customer from outside the UK to our account?

The fact:
Our customer from Switzerland did send GBP £ 200 in pounds to our Revolut business account by IBAN etc.
The money was sent from a Swiss bank via Barclays to Revolut.
It never showed on our Revolut account neither we got any message.
Checking Revolut rules we saw now that GBP transfers are not admitted.
Question: Where is the money now? Can it be sent back? What can I do? How do I contact Revolut?
Thanks for any help!

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I asked British Telecom to amend my Direct Debit mandate from my old bank to my Revolut business account but they said the sort code is invalid ( 04-00-75 ), please help.

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Continuing the discussion from Revolut Sort code and account number:

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Hi Punok, have you got any answers from the Revolut Team or have you sorted out your problem?

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Yes, by miracle the money arrived. Everything is fine! Thanks

  • List :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

hgb[date=2020-12-14 timezone=“Europe/London”]

Hi, I just setup new revolut account, and unlike with previous one this I miss local revolut detail, I am only getting swift and iban but no sort code, can you help? Thanks.

Hi I want to withdraw from ironFX to revolute as Bank transfer, I have swift and IBAN but they want
Adress bank, branch name, branch code and additional notes
where can I find those information ?
Best regards

Hello !

I’m from France and I have a UK account on Revolut and I don’t understand why I can’t get the sort code and account number when I click on the flag.
The informations from the UK account are the same than the Euro account

Could you help me
Thanks !

Hi.i like to open revolut bank account.can you please guide me,how it will create.
Even though,i downloaded revolut app where i enter my uk contact no , passcode not yet received

REVOLUTION cheaters! I invited a friend to REVOLUT, a friend fulfilled all the conditions of the promotion, but the bonus did not come to me, and the bank wrote that the friend did not replenish the account. The bank lied!!! The account was replenished and payments went from this money! Carefully!!!

I’m Dukhan bank customer in Qatar. And only way, its just top-up using card. I called to support, they answer me that not working anymore with Revolut Bank. When you put Swift/BIC code its automatically decline.