Revolut functionality

Revolut is my best app and I would love to see them introduce the pies Functionality, because it is trusted And it is The best app so far and if they do people will not leave the app 24/7 To be honest I am using trading 212 and I am happy with it so far but it will be good if I just do it on my revolut because anytime I need money I just sell them and get my money straight away

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Hello @Akoldjuan :wave:,

Welcome to our community. Could you provide a concise explanation of your idea? Kindly clarify the concept of “pies functionality” as well.

SG | Community Team

It is available in 212 app
You can check it out and have a look on how it works and since Revolut is a digital banking app, I would recommend everyone to try 212 app until they have this type of option on Revolut
This is not a financial advice

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Thank you for sharing the details with us. Stay tuned. :rocket:

SG | Community Team