Revolut business request money


Is it possible to request money in a Revolut for Business account?
I am asking because I think this feature could be really nice for invoicing purposes.

As a freelancer, I find that a lot of my customers prefer to pay using credit card rather than bank transfer. In Revolut Premium it’s possible to get your friends to pay you back using a payment link. Can do a similar thing in Revolut for Business?

Thanks in advance for the responses!


Hello @luminosity !

I really appreciate your feedback, it makes a lot of sense. While “Request money” feature is not something available at the moment, I will definitely share that with our product development team. Hopefully, it will land on our roadmap next. Thank you!

Best regards,


I know is not mandatory to have a business account as freelancer, but it may depends by rules/laws in your country, so if you could use your Revolut personal account to request money.

Is there an update to this topic? being able to send a request link to a customer is one of the main reasons why I want to set up a revolute business account. Has this feature been added yet as it is available on a personal account?

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Same questions here! I just set up a Revolut for Business account with the sole purpose of creating payment links, because I know this is an option in the standard Revolut app. I was very disappointed to find out it was not possible in Rev for bsn.