Revolut account IBAN not working with Paypal

I just added my Revolut IBAN to PayPal, verification did not work (got an error message). Then I purchased something paying with PayPal selecting the (unverified) Revolut IBAN bank account. TADA! My bank account got marked as verified instantly, and I was able to use it as source for my PayPal Business debit card.

I’ll try it out and let you know how it goes. Thanks!

Right, Since I’m a Swedish citizen I’m not allowed to add IBAN. I have to use the Swedish banking equivalent

Please tell me how to change IBAN GB to IBAN LT ? I can’t use my account.

What do you mean ?
You probably have you LT IBAN in the app and you have to change it in Paypal.

I have IBAN GB in my details

The UK is still part of the SEPA area. Sounds like this is something to discuss with Paypal.
Seems to be a restriction on their side to limit the use of GB IBANs. There’s no regulatory requirement to do so. Your Revolut IBAN is determined by the legal entity that provides you the account. For UK and Swiss customers, this is Revolut UK.

I can’t fund my account in any way. Also, I can’t do anything.

That’s not very specific. I suggest to contact support to find out what’s going on.

Please tell me how can I do this?

Go to the profile section of the app, find “Hilfe”, and then scroll down to “Chatte mit uns”.

I’m also living in Germany.
Mir hat der PayPal customer support erzählt ich müsste mein PayPal Konto komplett schließen und neu eröffnen weil das litauische Revolut-Konto nicht mit einem deutschen PayPal verknüpft werden könnte. Gesagt, getan kann ich die LT Iban trotzdem nicht hinzufügen. Im Moment sehe ich als einzige Möglichkeit ich würde mein PayPal-Konto erneut komplett löschen und beim Wiedererstellen angeben ich wäre litauischer Bürger aber das kann doch nicht die Lösung sein. Wie hat’s bei dir geklappt?

Guys I found the solution!
Just add your Revolut IBAN and then choose under COUNTRY - LITHUANIA !
You can do it in the PayPal app.

Guys I found the solution!
Just add your Revolut IBAN and then choose under COUNTRY - LITHUANIA !
You can do it in the PayPal app.

In case Revolut’s Lithuanian IBAN gives you trouble, you can try adding the card (aka the card 16-digit number, CVV and expiration date) to PayPal. I did this a few days ago and it worked seamlessly!