Revolut 10

How do I change it back to the old interface. I hate everything to do with the new look. It took ages to find where things were moved to


maybe changing technology is not good for you

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It seems Revolut does no longer offer the option to switch back. The option disappeared for me with the latest beta version of the app. This might vary for you, depending on app version, operating system and region.

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@Nicnicnic , no! I am still exporting to excel and manually adding my own categories. Really basic but until @revolut sorts this out, we are left with no other option.

It is GREAT that we have to option of a joint account. This is SUCH a good feature. Just a shame that we cannot:

  1. assign categories
  2. Make transfers to junior accounts
  3. make the joint account the default one (that shows when the app is opened)
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Hello everyone :wave: ,

Thank you so much for sharing your feedback with us. :pray:

Welcome back to our community @Fhdsoe. Can you please share what are those areas where we could improve so that I can share the detailed feedback with our team? :thinking:

SG | Community Team


Since a couple of days I have now version 10.11.1 (Android) with the new design, so far so good I knew the day would come. Yesterday I had an very unpleasant experience. I did swipe down on the main screen to see an overview over my accounts, then I clicked the +Add New button and did nothing than just hit the back arrow at the left top corner to get back the the previous page.

Now under my Pockets appeared a new entry ā€œPersonal Loan - Resume your applicationā€
Which turned slightly my panic mode on, since I didnā€™t start any application for an Personal Loan.

So I clicked on it to see whatā€™s going on, I had to cancel the application with some ā€œreason/feedbackā€ because it didnā€™t let me go back. Which was the next odd thing.

I can reproduce this, when choosing +Add new and go back. The Personal Loan stuff is back in account overview.
I donā€™t know if this is a bug or on purpose, but I feel somewhat harassed/overstrained by this product advertisement.

And now Iā€™m getting also push notifications about it (sorry text is in german).

The last thing i want is to end up in a debt trap. Is there an option to disable that credit function?
Iā€™m a little bit concerned if something like this pops up which I didnā€™t initiated.

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Hello :wave: and good Morning
Me, and Many Many others, doing private budgeting every Month. Itā€™s just fantastic how brilliant this is solved in Revolut, every Transaction is automatically categorized, mostly correct. For me, the Application is very userfriendly and intuitiv (im a new User, Dont know the old Style People Talking Here about). I would love to move my completely transacation-banking to Revolut, but i cant because of the missing categories in Revolut Export file (i have to many transactions to do it manually and itā€™s not sexy).
That would be for me, and sure Many others, the Perfect Solution / Addon for Revolut App.
(I read in the Community, categories were in the Export in 2022, 2023 Not anymore :man_shrugging:t2:), Best nic

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@Ronsen, I completely understand your concern. We are sorry that you had to face this problem. :frowning_face: I would request you to kindly contact us via in-app chat so that we can investigate it further. :pray:

@Nicnicnic, Thank you so much for sharing your feedback with us. I have already shared that with our team. Please bear with us. :hugs:

SG | Community Team

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Using Revolut for salary

Hi, i created an excel (Code), it adds the categories Automatically (from a List) whenn i copy paste my Revolut Export in this excelfile. Only have to add new suppliers if i have new onceā€¦.
If this file would Help you, let me know

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Just stopping by to say that while I like the look of the re-design there are a few things that off the bat make this an AWFUL :angry: user experience. I donā€™t have the time to read hundreds of posts so others might have already posted these things on this thread. If you donā€™t like rantsā€¦ scroll on by :wink:

  1. There is no overview of whatā€™s changed in the app. I just opened it and all of the sudden everything is different. This is super annoying as I could not find any of the information I was looking for and it was not actually clear that I could just swipe down to see accounts for example. Why are there not small hints built in that are discrete but helpful like a prompt to swipe down for example which is a fundamental change in how users interact with your app?
  2. I donā€™t need to see all my accounts all the timeā€¦ just one usually. For some reason I can pin the <18 accounts as widgets but not my own??? Why - the functionality is already builtā€¦ should be super easy to include other accounts or pocketsā€¦ :confused:
  3. Same goes for my Vaults - now Pockets - which were organised nicely the way I need to see them with the most used ones up top. Now I just have a long list which is just awful. I have 22 Pockets which we use for our family budgeting and savings (why so manyā€¦ because I canā€™t hold multiple currencies in one pocket and so sometimes have 3 to cover three different currencies). Again - why canā€™t I pin the Pockets I want to see at a glance to the home screen? Seems like such a trivial thing to do!
  4. The initial view is COMPLETELY USELESS! It takes up the ENTIRE screen and it NEVER actually shows me the account I want to see! I donā€™t want to swipe left or right through 40+ accounts, pockets or <18 accounts. Let me choose the ones I want to use most often and then I can just swipe through those. Kind of like how when I add the Total Wealth Widget and then tap on Cash it only shows me the accounts or pockets that currently have something in them for example. That would already be a good start. But now I have to tap, swipe or scroll through dozens of items to get to the same place that was accessible with just one or two taps before.
  5. All my customisations are goneā€¦ why canā€™t you move the icons I have already set for my vaults across to the new pockets - now I have to re-set up everything again from scratch.

So, weā€™ve got a new design that NO ONE asked for or needed. And still basic functionality requests are just sitting thereā€¦ year after yearā€¦ completely being ignored.

  • I still canā€™t get transactions exported for Pockets
  • All though transaction exports show what pocket my money is going IN toā€¦ it never actually says what pocket itā€™s coming OUT ofā€¦ useless
  • Destination IBAN and Message are still not visible in statements.
    These are such basic functionalities that would take much less time and effort to implement than this re-design and would contribute towards your goal of having people use Revolut as their main financial app. But noā€¦ letā€™s invest all this time in making it look shinier with a worse user experience. Well done. (rant over).

Welcome back to our community @andy_vdg. Sorry to hear that you did not like the new update. I will share this feedback with our team. :frowning_face:

SG | Community Team

This is exactly what I meanā€¦ turns out you can mark accounts and pockets as favourites, and it moves it up the list. Just long tap on themā€¦ why do I have to accidentally discover this after being frustrated every single time Iā€™ve opened the app this last week? Mitigates one of my biggest frustrations with the design change. But it is just not apparent nor explained anywhere. It still scrolls me to the account that is active on the home screen which is annoying as it might be way down the list and I still am then forced to scroll all the way up manually.


I understand your point @andy_vdg. I have already shared your feedback with our team. Please bear with us. :pray:

SG | Community Team

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Iā€™ve been reading the comments above and thereā€™s lots I agree with. Hope suggestions will start filtering back into the UI soon. A few things that are really important to me boil down, maybe, to the fact that the app is designed for ALL KINDS of Revolut users. I guess some are 18y old and good at art. Me I fit into the category of being really comfortable with Numbers. So is there any chance in the Interface Settings we could access 2 kinds of interface? One is really for anyone. The other is for people like me:

  1. Replace Vendor Logos on account page with date and time of transaction.
  2. Remove all empty space (and dates) between transaction lines so thereā€™s room for lots on one page.
  3. Put account balance at TOP of screen (freeing up space for more transactions) and in a SMALL FONT (that cannot be read from the other side of the room).
  4. Use a COUNTRY FLAG LOGO to indicate which account is being used. (CHF, USD, GBPā€¦ Currently thatā€™s in writing above the account balance.) The logo can be on the same line as the account balance - just before it - so as not to take up screen space. It can also serve as the drop-down to switch between accounts.

These are UI improvements that would make a big difference to my daily usage. All it would require in Settings is a toggle to go between ā€œStandard UIā€ and ā€œAdvanced UIā€



Thank you for sharing the detailed feedback with us. I will share that with our team. :blush:

SG | Community Team

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Ok - so I spent over an hour the other day to get all my pockets back to how they kind of where before this update. I uploaded all the backgrounds again and was sort of happy that now with the favourites and the backgrounds that showed up as Icons I can somehow make sense of this new design and find stuff againā€¦ until I opened the app today and all the icons have reverted back to this:

Why? The backgrounds for each pocket still show the correct picture but itā€™s like the app wentā€¦ nope donā€™t care Iā€™ll go back to a useless icon :confused: :-1:t2: