JPY shows wrong

Tested now, if I request 25000 JPY the page will show BIG ¥250

Thank you for your feedback. We’re looking into it.

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But the weird thing, I saw after, I was able (and i think I am still able) to request money in any of those 25 currencies, not limited to 9 :confused:
And I guess JPY is actually not one of those which can send funds, so I should request in USD/ EUR… (tho i want to request from Japan, so would make things much easier for the person as they’re so stick to JPY :slight_smile: )

Request is possible for all currencies. But only for the 9 supported currencies, paying with a card is an option. For all the other currencies, the receiver is asked to set up a Revolut account and then pay via the in app P2P. Could that be the case?

So that means JPY is one of those 9?

(tho was showing 250 instead 25000 on the payer page).

And was showing to pay without a card…

Tho, tried with another currency (EUR) and was showing to create an account…

A bit confusing…

I see. Rev me is possible for all currencies that allow also top ups via card. I successfully tried it out with EUR. Sounds like something is not like it’s supposed to be in your case. You’ve found a bug. :beetle:

@anon33247966 it’s still buggy. This should be 10.000 JPY. So it seems that’s missing 2 zeroes.
¿¡Hasn’t been fixed since January?!?

Pls fix it. I’ve sent this link to mom and she started laughing so I had to send a screenshot from the app too to show her it’s for 10.000 JPY and not 100, the price of a ハイチュウ (haichū)


Ps. I believe JPY is available for HKD was, I topped up with Hong Kong dollars a month ago via