Request money with iDeal

Tikkie has updated their pop-up message:


@prox Thank you for sharing this with us. :pray:

Veda | Community team


Just to add another example to the conversation here - in my case the Dutch Tax Office (Belastingdienst) also rejected my Revolut account number, probably because the IBAN name checks can’t be carried out. I was able to change the number in their system, but received a letter a few days later that the account could not be used.

Concerning payment requests using iDeal, this would indeed be an excellent new feature, so a +1 from me.


@ACDSL Hello, Welcome to the community. :heart_eyes:

Thank you for adding your experience. We understand the frustration with IBAN name checks and are actively working on solutions. As for iDeal, it’s on our radar and we’ll keep you posted on any updates. :rocket:

Veda | Community team

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Hi, just wanted to share my experience as well. Have been trying to figure out if it’d be possible to totally switch to Revolut as my main bank account. The conclusion is, sadly, that it is not possible due to the aforementioned problems regarding the IBAN name checks on Tikkie, with the Dutch Tax Office, and the possibility for money requests (in dutch: betaalverzoeken).

If Revolut is serious about becoming a good alternative to the major banks in The Netherlands, the abovementioned is a must. I appreciate the people from team Revolut to keep answering every comment on this post, but I’d like to hear if they have a schedule in mind on when they plan on introducing this.


@deesys Hello, Welcome to the community. :wave:

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and feedback. While I can’t share a specific roadmap or timeline just yet I can assure you that we’re actively working on solutions for evaluating ways to improve our overall offering. :pray:

Veda | Community team

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Today, I also tried to change my current IBAN to my beautiful, brand new Revolut Dutch IBAN at the Dutch Tax Authorities, but I received the same error message: they can’t perform the IBAN/Name Check. I called them, but they also couldn’t change it manually. They informed me that the employees at the tax office had received an internal message stating that the necessary integration is not (yet) working.

I hope Revolut is working on this, because I really, REALLY :wink:, would like to use it as my main and primary bank account!

An estimate of when this will be resolved would be very helpful and much appreciated.


Same here. I need iDeal and Tikkie to work flawless, to make Revolut my main bank. I’m very happy with all other features in the app, bit in the Netherlands iDeal and Tikkie are essential. Let’s hurry up and make it happen Revolut!!


@JaapNL @Michael66 Hello, Welcome to the community. :heart_eyes:

Thanks for sharing your experience and for your enthusiasm about using Revolut as your main bank account. :hugs:
Unfortunately, at this stage we can’t provide a specific timeframe for when the integration will be fully functional. But we are committed to resolving it as soon as possible. :rocket:

Veda | Community team


@Veda.Ramesh Thank you for your answer and it’s good to know that Revolut is working on the integration. I’m planning on keeping my current main bank account for another year anyway so I can watch and transfer all (automatic/recurring) account transactions safely to Revolut. I’m not in a hurry, but I hope everything works in 12 months (or so :wink:).


@JaapNL Thank you for your patience and understanding. Keep exploring the community. :hugs:

Veda | Community team


I have the same issue that has already been stated above: the Dutch Tax Administration is not accepting my Revolut IBAN saying that they are not able to confirm that the account is on my name :cry: I would like to make Revolut my main account, but this can happen only when the acceptance is 100%. Until then I need to keep using my other bank account. I do hope that this is a question of a few months rather than years.


@m93 Hello :wave:

I understand your frustration. :face_holding_back_tears: . While we can’t give an exact timeframe, we’re hopeful for a resolution soon. Stay tuned for updates :rocket:

Veda | Community team


Agree. The only barrier making me unable to switch completely from my ABN account to Revolut is account checking. Hope this feature will be implemented soon.


@Wind6302 Hello, welcome to the community. :blush:

We understand. Account checking is a crucial feature and we are actively working on improving our products and services so stay tuned. :rocket:

Veda | Community team

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I understand this is on the radar, but still wanted to point out that this is our main dealbreaker to switch to Revolut already - both for requesting payments with iDeal and Tax Office support.

Meanwhile I would like to express happiness about all the positive changes over the last years, both joint accounts and NL IBANs are great improvements!


@joris Hello, Welcome to the community. :heart_eyes:

Thank you for the feedback. We’re actively working on improving our product offerings and appreciate your patience. In the meantime, we’re thrilled you enjoy joint accounts and NL IBANs. :star2:

Let us know if you have other questions.

Veda | Community team

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I’m also ready to switch, but missing the name-nr lookup and payment request functionality that’s common in NL. Tried with a payment link, but then the other side is prompted for card details. That will not work in NL. :slight_smile:

One more thing I’m sort of unsure about is how the joint account would work. I have one and it has an IBAN, but it’s kind of a limited functionality account. All the features are on one or both of the “mother accounts”. Like different cards, money in and out, kid accounts, etc.

Are we both supposed to get a paid account to use Revolut as our family bank? The account relations are a bit unclear between personal account, joint and kids accounts with two parents.


Joint accounts are proper joint accounts in the legal sense. Both people legally own the money in it. The accounts for kids are not legally in the name of the kid, it’s a shared account in the name of the adult person who sets it up. Another guardian (parent) then can also control it to some extend. And the kid can spend money allocated to them like with a partner card.

All functionality is always controlled from the main app. You control your card for the joint account from your app, and the second person on the joint account controls their card from their app. Also, all limits and fees are individual. The FAQs explain it. How do the plan, limits and benefits apply to joint accounts? | Revolut United Kingdom

The FAQs are always a good starting point if you’ve got questions about the product. Make sure to switch to your country of residence to get reliable informations about what applies to you.

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Simply leaving a +1 here. SurePay support is ESSENTIAL.