Postman Collection 2.0

Calling all API enthusiasts! :telephone_receiver:

We have some fantastic news to share with you all! We are pleased to announce an updated version of our Postman collection! :fire::microscope:

:arrow_up_small:Click here to fork our Postman Collection now!

Are you looking for an even better way to test and integrate with our APIs? Your search ends here! Our updated Postman collection is here to optimize your testing process and ensure flawless integration with our API services.

:weight_lifting_man:Key advantages:

  1. Easy and simple setup: Our Postman collection comes with clear and concise documentation, making it easy for you to set up and start testing.
  2. Customization: With our collection, you have freedom to alter certain parameters and values. This allows you to validate the response received from our APIs under different scenarios and ensure they meet your expectations.
  3. Environment management: you can easily manage production and sandbox environments within our Postman collection. This helps in testing across our two environments and helps in minimizing discrepancies that may arise.

In addition to everything mentioned above, our updated Postman collection empowers you to conduct thorough testing across all API types we offer: Business API, Merchant API and Open Banking API.

:technologist:To access the updated collection directly, click here. Happy testing!