Personal Loan - Spain

Hello, I face exactly the same issue than @callmetheconqueror but in my Spanish residence. I can’t have a Spanish ID card (DNI) due to my German nationality. Nevertheless, I am working and living in Spain for over 25 years having a “European Unión citizen registration certificate” (CUE) which contains my NIE (Identification number for foreigners). My NIE is also linked to my REVOLUT account. Nevertheless, al attempts to apply for personal loan was declined, not due solvency reasons but as I do not count with a Spanish ID. As I do not agree, I also open an official dispute and I received the same answer: “I AM NOT COUNTING WITH A SPANISH IDENTITY CARD”. On the other hand, I can´t open a German REVOLUT account as I do not have any residence in Germany anymore.
I contacted German BaFin and they confirmed, that this practice is probably is against EU Regulation of "Equal treatment of EU-workers. As an EU citizen, you have the right to be treated in the same way as citizens of this host country in all Member States. “.
Best regards & Thanks!


Hi @amidea and welcome to our Community :wave:

To be eligible for Revolut credit offerings in Spain, you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Permanently live in Spain and have your current address listed with Revolut.
  • Have a Spanish mobile phone number linked to your Revolut account.
  • Be a customer of Revolut Bank UAB for at least 30 days.
  • Make sure no personal details are missing from your Revolut account.
  • Be employed (full-time, part-time, self-employed, or retired) with a regular income.
  • Have a clean credit history and no history of missed repayments.
  • Have no negative balances in your Revolut account.

Hope this helps :handshake:


Dear @Mariana,
thank you very much for your helpful answer. This is exactly my understanding and without doubt, I fulfill all the criteria you mention in your list.

The problem probably is more complex. Marta (analista de reclamaciones) rejects my dispute twice, because I do not have the expected document (issued in Spain) during the “onboarding”. *…tener un DNI/permiso de residencia válido para pasar la verificación de onboarding (es decir, un DNI o un permiso de residencia válido emitido en España para validar la verificación de onboarding con Revolut.)
I expect, that with onboarding she refers to the process when registering my ID card in the APP with the camera. So far, so good, but:

  1. EU citizens do NOT get an ID card from Spanish government since 2007. We receive a permanent residence (RD240/2007) and instead of an id-card, we have only a “sheet of paper” called CUE (Certificado de registro de ciudadano de la unión europea) without photo and without signature, making reference only to our identification number for foreigners (NIE)

  2. This “document” (CUE) is obviously not valid for identification and registration in the REVOLUT APP! The registration can only be done with a valid ID card from the home country (in my case German ID card).

  3. Nevertheless, REVOLUT is aware about my NIE as it was requested to link it via QR-code with the APP (email: Necesitamos información sobre tus datos fiscales) . Since this moment, my NIE is part of my personal data in the APP ( additional information – Residencia fiscales – SPAIN: X2…16…
    Now, feeling confident to understanding what really happens, I send Marta another answer, explaining the situation and attaching all my documents (NIE, DNI combined with a digital signature FNMT) to the email. Nevertheless, it was rejected again by her with exactly (copy – paste) the same, for me inadmissible, reasons!
    If REVOLUT doesn´t accept the foreign ID card by “onboarding” combined with the Spanish NIE linked to the APP via QR-Code, no EU foreigner will be able to apply for a personal loan in Spain :frowning:. Conversely, if I am right with my assumption, REVOLUT may also renouncing to thousands of possible customers for their product in Spain!!!
    Mariana, thanks in advance for your further investigation. If requiered, I can send you more information about my case. It is really the first time in 25 years that someone is complaining about my residence certificate (CUE/NIE)

Best regards

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@Mariana_Rodrigues are there any news on this topic? I’m in the same situation as @amidea since I’m an italian based in Spain

As fellow EU citizens, we can’t apply for a DNI in Spain and our only available identification is: Spanish NIE + our country ID (passport, national ID, etc)


Hello @getty :wave:,

Welcome to our Community.

I would request you to kindly contact us via in-app chat for better clarification as loan eligibility may vary from user to user. :pray:

SG | Community Team

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I have already tried but chat agents are not able to support me with my request to look closer into this issue. Instead they just brush it off as “internal reason”.

This requires more specialized support and I hope you can help me redirect this request to the right owners.

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@getty, I can understand your point. While I would like to assist you further but reasons for application rejection are personal and differ from individual to individual. Since this is a public forum, we are unable to provide personal assistance. However, you may reach out via email at for additional clarification. :pray:

SG | Community Team


Hi @SG.Mandal, I haven’t had any luck with that. I reached out to and when they got back to me they literally told me:

However, due to our current process, it is beyond our reach at this moment to share any kind of information regarding this issue via e-mail, so our best advice in this case would be to reach us through our live chat

Which interestingly is the opposite of what chat agents told me, stating that they don’t have access to that level of information.

I really need your help here… do you happen to know if there’s any other specific department I can directly reach out to? Or just tag in someone who might know.

I’m stranded in nobody’s land and would be great to have someone who actually cares about solving this issue.

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I would check the complaints procedure. It’s the process in place when support agents can’t help. It gets you a qualified response, even if that will be that Revolut is not able to provide you a solution.

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