Old Logo & Wrong Colour Of Mastercard In Google Pay

I reside in Singapore. I could add my virtual MasterCard and VISA to Google Pay. While both cards are black on Revolut, my MasterCard appears with the old Revolut logo and standard physical card colour gradient. My VISA has no such issues however. In-app chat support doesn’t seem receptive to my feedback.


@richard.lee, Please accept my apologies but I could not understand your concern properly. May I know are you not able to add the card to your google wallet? Or is it regarding the old logo? It would be helpful if you can explain this so that we can guide you properly. :pray:

No worries! As mentioned, I can add the cards to Google Wallet. However, my MasterCard appears with the old logo and wrong colour.

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Thank you for explaining this @richard.lee. I have forwarded the feedback. :pray:

SG | Community Team

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