Number or Email in used - Never create Revolut before


I try to create an account , and I’m shown again that you already have an account, you’ve already created an account with a different mobile phone number. I don’t know why…continue to be unable to create an account, with my number and the email.

What happening? I never create a revolut account…never i put my number in revolut, so i dont know why this happening…help me please.

Yesterday, I contacted support, and they told me that I had a pending account with this number and that they were going to close it and that I could already create a new one…but so far I haven’t been able to…

Ineed your help.

@RicardoMartins93 Hello, Welcome to the community. :sunflower:

I am sorry to hear about this issue. Could you please try signing in using a different number? :eyes:

Veda | Community team