No Auto-topup feature?

This might not be related to the name glitch. Auto top-up used to be not available for newly added cards straight away but after a while and several successful manual top-ups.

Well Ms. Support can be summarized as “I hope you understand” and “thank you for your understanding” and no, they don’t know why it happens and no, they do not tell why it doesn’t work and “they have forwarded the problem” (they have forwarded both of my now almost 3 years old still present problems so I have a pretty good internal image of where do they possibly forward those) and I “should wait patiently”, preferably years. And she was sure I understood.

I guess that somewhere they are fighting with the new security measures between banks but they don’t give a hoot about spending any seconds on working on its resolution as it would involve talking to a bank, which would involve work. It is really simple to say “it doesn’t work for you, grin and bear it, we hope you understand”.