More detailed statements

I have two cards on my account. The statement should reflect which card was used as well as the additional information requested here. It’s in the database, so why not make it available?

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Statements of my German bank accounts (traditional branch bank) does also not show IBANs of the sender instead of Klarna bank account.

Is there any update on this feature? I would really be interested in being able to export the category for my expenses, that is the only missing feature in Revolut!

Also please add a column for the Transaction Notes. This often times contains important information that is getting lost.

There are over 50 different posts asking for major changes in the statements format from exposing the geolocation of payments to OFX format and not a single proposition seems to have even been considered so I’m not getting my hopes up. I just wonder if Revolut thinks the following is of any use to anyone

TRANSFER,Current,2022-12-15 07:06:14,2022-12-15 07:06:14,To EUR,30.00,0.00,EUR,COMPLETED,600.00

This was a transfer from one of my vaults into my current account. That statement is useless as it is. I don’t even know from which vault account it was taken from.

In more general terms, I’d expect fields like the following to be present:

  • Source account number
  • Destination account number and not just “To EUR”
  • A description of the transaction

and if X-Mas came early

  • Categories that are already in Revolut and could easily be exposed
  • all the other nice to have all the other posts mention that have been ignored for the past 6 years.

Personally, I want to start importing my statements into some accounting software to have a better view on my expenses and the above example would clearly make that impossible. If Revolut doesn’t start listening, I’ll probably look elsewhere. It would be a shame as most of it I like but now that it has a bank status, maybe it should at least offer decent bank statements?


For me understanding from the statement which card did the operation. Currently I see CARD_PAYMENT but that is not enough information to know which of my cards was used. Ability to export statement per card.

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in the web version, Can we have a way to filter the transaction with one specific person/entity?
One of my utility companies claims I did not pay the bill in APR, so I wanted to search on the web version and there is no chance, so I had to go month by month and export each “statement”.
I tried exporting the statement but there is no “receiver” column to then filter by it

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@ramm4u Hello. Welcome back. :heart_eyes:

I am sorry to inform you that we currently do not have this option. But thank you for your feedback and we will pass this on for further consideration by the product team. :pray:

Veda | Community Team

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I agree.
Outgoing transfers to vaults show
To [Vaultname]
However transfers back from a vault to the main account just show
To [Accountname]

This does not help at all as I cannot tell which vault the transfer came from. Even worse if it’s a joint vault - then it just says
From [Accountholder] but it doesn’t show up in their account because it came from the vault. A reconciliation nightmare for those of using any type of accounting software.

Please consider updating the descriptions to be more meaningful.

Something like this would already be helpful.
Account → Vault: From [Account] to [Vault]
Vault → Account: From [Vault] to [Account]
Account → Shared Vault: From [Account] to [Owner] [Vault]
Shared Vault → Account: From [Owner] [Vault] to [Account]


I fully agree, transfer statements need to show:

  • Destination IBAN
  • The message of the transaction

This was already suggested in this thread in June 2018, has it been picked up by now, 5 years later?


Welcome to our community @andy_vdg @huebli :wave:.

Thanks for sharing your feedbacks with us. Stay tuned. :rocket:

SG | Community Team

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Hi SG.Mandal. Any news on this? We have been waiting for this for several years now.

Same for source IBAN and transaction message/reference with incoming payments. In case the majority of users don’t need this there could be an optional “PDF statement for accounting purposes” which would then include this additional data…

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@robert2 Hello, Welcome to the community. :sunflower:

Could you please be more specific on what you mean by Destination IBAN so that I can check if this is available as of now. :pray:

Veda | Community Team

Hi Veda, thanks for you quick response and for looking into it. For outgoing SEPA EUR transactions (when one sends money from Revolut to someone outside Revolut via SEPA) the statements should show:

  • Destination IBAN to which the money was sent (this is displayed in monthly PDF statements now)
  • The message/reference of the transaction (information still missing in monthly PDF statements)

For incoming SEPA transactions (someone sends money via SEPA to your Revolut account) the statements should show:

  • Source IBAN from which the money was sent (displayed in monthly PDF statements now)
  • The message/reference of the transaction (information still missing in monthly PDF statements)

Thus the IBAN’s in question are displayed in recent monthly PDF statements. Thanks a lot for adding this part. What is still missing in either case is the message/reference that was used along a SEPA incoming or outgoing transaction, for instance “paying electricity for October” etc.

With outgoing transaction an individual transfer confirmation PDF would include all data described above already. It would be perfect to have the message/reference added to monthly PDF statements on top. I hope this clarifies it. Robert


@robert2 Thank you for sharing your feedback! We truly appreciate your input and value your perspective. Rest assured, we will pass this along to the team for their consideration. :sunflower:

Veda | Community Team

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And invoices written with revolut pro need the implementation of the VAT-Number, not only name and adress

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@Mindspring Hello, Welcome to the :r: community. :star_struck:

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’ll make sure to pass on your suggestion to the relevant team for consideration. :rocket:

Veda | Community Team

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Having the source IBAN (for incoming transfers) included in the statements and also in the individual transaction view would be greatly appreciated.

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@rails Hello, Welcome to the community. :heart_eyes:

Thank you for your suggestion. We are always looking for ways to improve our statements and transaction views, and we will definitely consider adding this. :blush:

Veda | Community Team


+1 on more detailed statements, more data to work with is better than less :slight_smile:

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