Missing third-party bank


I noticed that Kutxabank was added to the list of supported third-party banks in Spain.

My bank is a subsidiary of Kutxabank, its name is CajaSur. Is there any official way I can request it to be added to the list?

It shouldn’t be an issue since it uses the same authentication system as Kutxabank and it’s available in the list of TrueLayer providers (id xs2a-cajasur).

I need to be able to link my main bank account to Revolut if I ever want to get a credit card.



Hello @getty :wave: ,

Thank you for providing us with your valuable suggestion. Rest assured, I will promptly forward it to the appropriate team for further consideration. Please stay connected for any updates regarding this matter. :rocket:

SG | Community Team

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Thank you very much @SG.Mandal!

If you have any further update from the team or a tentative ETA, please don’t hesitate to share here :raised_hands:


Sure. Once this will be implemented, we will let you know in the community. :r:

SG | Community Team


Hello @SG.Mandal! Are there any news about it? I’d be happy just knowing it’s already tracked in some backlog or something.

As I mentioned above, CajaSur is a branch of Kutxabank which you already support so it’s a quick win for devs and deliver HUGE value for me :star_struck:

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