Manage Favourite Contacts on Transfer Screen


It would be great if on the payments screen you could “favourite/star” contacts to always appear on the main payments screen for ease of access.

At the moment, you can delete beneficiaries if they are not Revolut friends. However, if they are Revolut friends they appear on the Payments screen indefinitely. This is really annoying for people that you paid once years ago, and they always appear in your Payments screen.



Hi @jb8429 and welcome to the user forum
I agree that the inability to delete an old now unused contact is a niggle which should be fixed.
If it were to be fixed, would you still want the star favourites or would that then be unnecessary do you think? I’d tend to think not as you would then be able to pare the list down to the necessary ones to keep.
Perhaps @SG.Mandal wil have itl added it to the ever growing list of feature requests… pretty please :wink:

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Hello @jb8429 :wave: ,

Welcome to our Community. Thank you for sharing the idea with us. We are always looking for ways to enhance the quality of our products & services. Please wait. :hugs:

SG | Community Team