Maestro Card with IBAN

Hi, how can i top up with my maestro card that has an IBAN on it and no CVV and valid date in mm/yy format?

Bank transfer e.g: Euro SEPA transfer? You should find all the details in the app.

Yes i know i can do that but i dont wanna go to bank everytime since my bank doesnt offer online banking. I wanna top up via card

I guess if your maestro card has no CVC/CVV code (like maestro cards in :austria: or :de:) you cannot use it to top-up. But I might be wrong.

Okay. Lets hope someone else helps me out here.
Secondly, do you know if i can top up using paypal?

Both is basically not possible.

Cant even link my Revolut Card to paypal?

I could add my Revolut EUR account to Paypal… but I fear it won’t solve your situation. First you have to transfer money from your bank account to Paypal and then you can transfer money from Paypal to Revolut.

Oh yeah, that explains it. So frustrating tho. Revolut should also add support for IBAN maestro cards

That would be great. I also have the Revolut Maestro card. Looks weird for me without IBAN :joy:

You don’t understand this apparently, your IBAN is just your bank account number, this has nothing todo with online payment. It’s not possible to pay online with your card most likely, at all if you don’t have a card number on it.

Either you get a card that supports online payments, or you get online banking from your bank so you can use your account/IBAN to transfer money.

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Yes but sadly i have the shittiest bank in Germany. That doesn’t offer online banking and has a card with no card num :confused:

Hi, perhaps a little bit late but this might help. I have a maestro card issued by my Belgian bank which also doesn’t have a cvc code but on their site they say I can enter 000 or 999 as cvc. Other Belgian banks also accept 000 or 123 as cvc. I have uploaded most of my money this way. And prefer it because I get the money instantly instead of having to wait one bandy.

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Most German Maestro Cards aren’t qualified for online shopping. This is why there is no CVC and card number printed on the card.

Even if you could extract the Maestro Number somehow, it can’t be used for online shopping (which a Revolut top up basically is.)

Revolut is working on allowing SEPA direct debits for Top ups, basically like Paypal. In the meantime, this workaround could work – I haven’t tested it myself:

  • add both accounts to PayPal (German account + Revolut “local” EUR SEPA account)
  • load money via direct debit in PayPal
  • pay out the funds to Revolut

What is the name of that bank? I’m really interested in knowing which bank is THAT much behind the moon :wink:
You know that there are alternatives that do offer online banking and give you a free CC which you can then use to top-up?
If you need some suggestions, just shoot me a DM (in German if you prefer that :wink: )

You need a manual transfer to put money from your bank account to PayPal

Yes, that’s right. It would also take way longer than just a regular transfer directly from your German account to Revolut.